Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Chase," I whisper, seeing the little boy with Tia's black hair. Suddenly, it hits me. "I'm a father," I mutter to myself. Then I say it louder. "I'm a father!!!"

"No," mutters Tia. She doesn't look relieved at all. She looks scared. "Something's wrong."

I look at her. "What?"

"Something's wrong!" she says, louder. "Hunt, something's wrong!"

"What's wrong, Tee?" I ask her urgently.

She doesn't answer me though, she's closing her eyes, and gasping.

I look at little Chase.

Too little.

"The baby's too small," I whisper to the midwife.

"That's just what I was thinking," she murmurs. "I'd say that the rest of the space in the womb is just excess blood. Your son and wife should be okay."

I nod, feeling somewhat relieved.

The midwife walks back to Tia, and just as she's about to press down on Tia's stomach, she freezes. Then she looks back at me.

"Were you aware that you were having twins?"

My jaw drops open and my eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. "Twins? There's- there's two in there?!"

"Yes," says the midwife, obviously glad. "That's why the baby's a little smaller than average. It's okay."

"Did you hear that, Tee?" I say, excited. "Twins!"

"That's great," says Tia, slightly hysterical, "but there's no way I'm pushing another one out."

The midwife smiles. "I think I might be able to get you to change your mind."


"Adelaide!" I yell, excited. "Twins; but a boy and a girl!!"

"Never again," pants Tia. "I swear, never again."

"You know, I was thinking three wouldn't be too bad."

The look that Tia gives me. If looks could kill, I'd be dead. I start laughing. She looks relieved.

"Gosh, Hunt, if you were being serious..."

"Tee, we have everything we've ever wanted! A boy and a girl!" I think for a minute. "Wait, so who won?"

"Who won? What do you mean, who won?"

"We have Addy and Chase now. Both of them. So who won?"

"Oh." She thinks for a moment. "I did."

"But it should be a draw!"

She shakes her head, grinning. "Chase came first."

"Dang!" I exclaim, and she starts laughing. She sounds weak and tired though. "Tee, are you okay?"

"Exhausted. Why?"

I smile sympathetically. "You did brilliantly."

She sighs, closing her eyes and leaning back on the bed a little. "What's the time?"

I check my watch. "About midnight."

"What time was Chase born?"




She laughs a little. "They were born on different days."

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant