Chapter Thirty

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*A/N: Last update, I read a comment (and you know who you are, commenter) who said "Can something interesting happen next chapter so that we can comment?"

Now, at first, I was like "Well, excuse me!" 

But then I was like "Hmmm... she has a point."

My chapters haven't been very comment-worthy as of late. Well, not as much as some of the other ones.

So, I decided to make this one comment-worthy. It's perfect timing anyway. I even read back on my other chapters to make sure of it.

Enjoy :)

Nethii <3*



Tia spends the day with me. For the first time in a while, we're laughing, talking, not discussing the baby, or any complications with the tour. Just us, and nothing more.

"You know," she says, "I haven't heard any new music lately."

"Don't worry," I reply, winking. "I'm writing a song with Bonnie and Katrina. You'll love it."

"Ooh, someone's confident," she says, laughing. I can't help but laugh with her. She's wonderful.



"Hello?" says Tia, answering the phone. She seems happy about whoever's calling, at any rate. "No, I was just hanging with Hunter. How's Oli- what's wrong?" she asks, noticing something wrong for the first time. Judging by how she's talking, she's talking with Peyton. "Wait, what?! Oh my goodness! Where's Trey? Is he with you? Pey, call an ambulance, for God's sake! Have you called Mom? Pey? Peyton Amber Johnson, talk to me! Crap! Okay, call Trey, right now." She hangs up on the call, looking terrified.

"Tee, love, what's wrong?"

"Pey's water broke."

"Her what?!" I ask, counting back in my head to when she told us she was pregnant. Wasn't it in April? No, no it was March. That means... it's December now, so... nine months. Exactly nine months.

"Hunter, I have to go to Alabama. I have to be with her."

"What? But- but it's-" I stutter.

Her panicked expression softens slightly. "What is it?"

"It's been a year since I asked you to marry me," I say, trying not to sound pathetic.

"Christmas Eve," she breathes. "Dang, I forgot."

I swallow. "Is there any way that you could stay? It's just that, I can't leave my tour halfway through."

"I know," she says, tears filling her eyes. "But I have to. I haven't been there for so much of her life, Hunter. I can't miss this. I have to be there whenever I can."

I don't look at her when I speak again. "I'll buy you a plane ticket. How long do you have to be there?"

"Just one night," she says, sounding guilty. "Hunt, I'm so sor-"

"Don't say it," I say, walking away. "Please, don't say that you're sorry."

It takes all my strength not to look back at her. I know I've hurt her, with what I said, but honestly, Peyton couldn't have come at a worse time. I was hoping to spend the whole day with Tia, maybe even take her out on a date. But that can't happen. Not now, and certainly not anytime soon, not after our baby is born.

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now