Chapter Twelve

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*A/N: This whole chapter is in Tia's POV :)*


I wake up to see Hunter wide awake and excited. His beautiful blue eyes are sparkling, and he looks like the happiest man alive.

"Today's the day," he says cheerfully.


"Today's the day you become Tia Hayes."

"I like that name," I say, smiling.

"Today's the day we get to celebrate our love."

"Uh huh."

"And today's the day I get to see your dress, at long last."

"Pretty much."

"Wow." He watches me for a moment.

"Hunt, what's the time?"

He checks his phone. "Nearly seven. We need to get to the church by eight."




There's a fair bit of shouting on the other end of the call. Hunter says "okay," several times, before cutting the call.

"Peyton wants me to hurry up and go to my parents house to get dressed. Your parents and Peyton are meeting you here, as well as Nat, who'll be doing your hair and makeup."

"I can't believe this is finally happening," I murmur. We both roll out of bed, and he quickly gets changed in the bathroom into a pair of jeans and a Rubik's Cube shirt.

He gives me a gentle kiss. "I'll see you at the altar," he says.

"I'll be the one in white," I reply. He smiles, making me go weak at the knees, before leaving to go to his parents house. A few minutes later, Peyton and Mama appear at the door, along with Natasha. Papa must be organising everything at the church.

"Right," says Peyton, passing the dress to me. "Can you get dressed?" When I nod, she all but pushes me into a room with it and closes the door.

When I come out, Mama starts crying.

"Oh, Mama, don't cry," I say, trying to hug her.

"I just... I can't believe I'm going to get to see you getting married. I never thought I'd see you again after you were taken, and I- I-" she breaks off, crying.

"Mama don't cry, you'll set her off!" says Peyton, hugging Mama. Peyton was wearing a dress that bunched around her ribs, before flowing down freely, but it didn't quite hide the bump that was beginning to grow.

"Tee, we need to get your hair and makeup done," says Natasha, holding up an assortment of brushes, combs, and torture devices. My guess is that the torture devices were actually makeup applicators. To me, they're the same thing. She starts spraying my hair, and tying it up in random places, styling it carefully. When she's satisfied, I can't see, but I think she connects my veil to my hair, because my head suddenly becomes a whole lot heavier.

Natasha applies concealer, while talking. "The bridesmaids are all your cousins, and they look gorgeous."

I look at my mother. "I have cousins?"

She nods. "Your father has many siblings."

Nat keeps talking. "On the other hand, the groomsmen are just the band."

I can't help but giggle at this. I can't even imagine them wearing suits.

Finally, Nat finishes applying my lipstick, turns my chair around to face a mirror, and says "I'm done."

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now