Chapter Sixteen

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Tia's words stung. Something was terribly wrong. She never acted like this.
After driving for about five minutes, I stop in front of a two story house. I feel nervous, but this was one of the girls that I trusted the most. She'd hear me out and give me advice... right?
I knock on the door, and a little boy, probably about nine, answers.
"Hi," I say. "Is your sister home?"
He stares at me for a full minute before screaming "NATASHA!!"
"What is it, Adrian?" I hear her faint voice coming from upstairs.
"Somebody wants to see you!"
"Is it Ben?"
"Is Ben blonde haired with blue eyes?"
"No," she replies.
"Then no, it isn't Ben. Come downstairs!" he yells again. "Would you like a drink?" Adrian asks, suddenly courteous, gesturing for me to come inside.
"Uh, no... that's fine."
"Nat'll come down in a minute," he says, disappearing.
Well, that was weird.
"Hunter?" I turn around to see Natasha. "What's wrong?"
"Tia," I answer. She looks confused somewhat.
"Sit down," she says. "Would you like some coffee?"
"That's alright, thanks though," I say. She sits down as well.
"What's wrong with Tia?"
"That's exactly what I was going to ask you," I say, playing with my fingers. "You're studying psychology in university at the moment, right?"
"Yeah, I am," she says, her soft voice comforting me somewhat. "Is everything okay?"
"No," I say, simply. "Nothing is okay. That's why I need your help."
She's quiet for a minute. "I'm going to make myself some coffee, it helps me think. Are you sure you don't want any?"
"If you're sure," I say gratefully. "Thank you."
"Just being a friend," she says simply, before leaving to make us both coffee. I look around her living room. Apparently, she has a few more younger siblings, while she's the oldest. She looks a lot like who I'm guessing is her mother.
"What's wrong?" asks Natasha, walking back in with two mugs of coffee. She hands one to me, and I thank her, before proceeding.
"Tia and I had a fight."
"Oh," she says, gripping her cup tighter, and looking sympathetic. "I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"
"She saw the music video for 'I Want Crazy'."
It takes her a minute to understand. Then her eyes widen.
"So she thinks you cheated on her?" she asks, sounding surprised.
"Pretty much," I say.
"That doesn't sound like something Tia would do," she says, looking puzzled. "Normally, she's so happy, because she knows you would never do something like that to her."
I smile slightly. "It's strange. She knows that I didn't even know that girl, I told her."
"She's been acting weird around me as well," she says. "Today, she invited me over for breakfast, and she accidentally burnt the toast."
"She started crying about it."
I stare at her in disbelief. "She cried over burnt toast?"
"Uh huh."
"You see?"
"Hmm..." Natasha takes a sip of her coffee. "Something tells me that that isn't the only thing that's bothering you."
"There's something wrong with her. I don't know what it is, but something's wrong," I blurt out without thinking.
"Okay..." she says slowly. "What exactly seems different?"
It doesn't take that long for me to give her a list. "She's always really stressed. She's always sleeping or eating, and she always has a back ache or a headache. She keeps having really bad nightmares, more and more frequently. She hasn't had this many since back when I first met her, and she was still scared about her parents."
Natasha's quiet again. "Is that all?"
"She also seems to be in a different mood all the time."
"Like mood swings?"
"I guess so, yeah."
She thinks, sipping at her coffee again. "This is going to make you feel really awkward, okay?" she warns me, and I nod. "Could she be on her period?"
I feel myself blush. "Uh..." I say, feeling incredibly awkward. "I don't think so."
She frowns. "Why not?"
"Um... because I've known her for nearly a whole year now, and even though she sometimes has mood swings and stuff, it's never been this bad." I sip at my coffee again, wishing I could disappear. I really didn't want to talk about this.
"Okay, the awkward stuff is over, promise," she says, and I can't help but sigh in relief. "You said she had headaches and back aches a lot? And stress? Sleeping a lot, eating a lot?"
"Yeah..." I say slowly.
She looks worried, but keeps talking. "How long has that been going on?"
I think for a bit. "I dunno... maybe about three weeks after the honeymoon, it was the first bad dream?" I actually don't remember. I think I'm right though...
"Has she been asking you to get her certain foods, or has she gotten certain foods herself?"
"Well..." I say, trying to remember. "Oh yeah! She asked me to get her something sweet, creamy and chocolatey a while ago."
"Sweet, creamy and chocolatey?"
"Yeah. I bought her a box of profiteroles." I try and remember more details. "She ate six within something like three minutes."
Her eyes are as wide as dinner plates. "This is going to sound really weird."
"I want you to tell me the complete and honest truth."
She opens her mouth to speak, and her next words stop me short.
"Is there a possibility that Tia could be pregnant?"

*A/N: And I'm going to have to stop it right there. Why? Because I love keeping y'all in suspense :D
Sorry for the short chapter...
Nethii <3*

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