Chapter Twenty-Three

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My first thought when I wake up?

"Crap," I mutter, feeling my stomach lurch sickeningly. I run to the bathroom, and start throwing up.  


Gosh, I honestly can't wait until that baby is born. If it means no more morning sickness, I'm happy with whatever, to be honest.  

Once I'm finished, Hunter still hasn't woken up. I'll bet anything that he's forgotten that it's his birthday. He's got the tour coming up next month after all, and of course he's excited. I'll be going with him, so that should be okay.  


I rinse my mouth in the basin and when I straighten up and see myself in the mirror, I do a double-take.  

Slowly, I lift my shirt to reveal my midriff.  

It's small, but it's there.  

A bump, not incredibly big, but it's still there. It feels soft, but hard at the same time. I don't want to press too hard in case I hurt the baby.  

"Tee?" calls Hunter, walking into the bathroom. Seeing me standing, staring at my stomach, he gradually comes closer, and puts his hand over my stomach. I feel tingles from his touch warm my whole body.  

"It's really happening, isn't it?" he asks me softly. I give a small nod.  

"Think how insane this is for me," I say. "There is a baby inside me. He's depending on me. This is mental."  

"She," he says, emphasising the word, "is depending on you."  

"Hunt, we can do an ultrasound now. Do you want to know what we're having?"  

"Does it matter?" he asks, smiling. "Why don't we leave it at a guess? We'll have an ultrasound done and stuff, definitely, but do we need to know? It'll be fun if it's a surprise."  

"That's true," I say cautiously. "What colour would we make its things though? Clothes and stuff?"  

He smiles wider. "Green."  


"Are you okay now?" he asks. When I nod, he looks relieved. "Good. Breakfast, then ultrasound. Do you need appointments for that sort of thing?"  

"Don't know." I wander into the kitchen, more aware of my baby now that I could actually see it. Instead of bending down to get a pan from the cupboard, I squat instead. It's painful though, and Hunter rushes to my aid.  

"Should we search it up? Call someone?"  

"Call Peyton. She's been through this part."  

"True. Okay, we'll call her after breakfast."

"What's for breakfast?"

"No idea."

"Smart one, aren't you?"

He laughs, ruffling my hair. "We'd better hope that this baby gets her mother's brains."

"His. His mother's. Although I wouldn't mind if my baby had his father's songwriting and musical talent," I say, correcting him.

Hunter sighs. "We aren't going to let this go until the baby's actually born, are we?"

"Nope," I say, popping the 'p'. "Even afterwards, I'm still going to be gloating about him."




This goes on for quite a while, until Hunter goes to get changed and have a shower. I call Peyton, and by the time he comes back, I'm sitting down, waiting for him. I made him eggs and bacon.

"Breakfast!" he announces, piling eggs and bacon onto my plate.

"I can't eat. I have to fast for eight hours before the ultrasound."


"You can still eat, though," I say, quickly pushing my plate closer to him. "No candles?" I ask jokingly, and he looks at me with a blank look on his face.

"Why would we want candles?"

"Here's a hint: we'll need twenty two."

His eyes widen. "Is it the ninth?"

"Happy Birthday, honey," I say, leaning over and kissing him.

"I'm so old," he says, sounding a little put out.

"Oh, Hunt," I say, giggling. "I don't see any grey hairs, don't worry."

He smiles. "Thanks," he says, before I pick up his fork, spear a piece of bacon onto the end of it, and stuffing it into his mouth. Once he gets over the initial shock and swallow, he bursts out laughing. "What was that for?" he asks indignantly.

"You weren't ever going to eat otherwise." I bring another piece up to his mouth, and he slaps my hand away. I starts laughing as hard as he is. "I swear, our baby is going to be so embarrassed by us," I say, still hysterical.

"Pretty much," he agrees, before I manage to get some more egg into his mouth. He decides to just give up and let me feed him.

"Here comes the airplane!" I coo.

"Don't push it," he says, looking like he's trying not to laugh. I decide to listen, since I don't want him to choke.

Once we're both dressed, we walk to the car, hand-in-hand, and Hunter opens the car door for me.

"Quite the gentleman today, aren't you?" I ask, smiling.

"Yeah." He kisses my hand, and I try hard not to crack up. It was just one of those days, where everything was hilarious.

We get to the clinic, and while we're waiting, I see all the other couples waiting to go in. All of them look as happy as Hunter and I are. When we finally get taken in, we're asked a few questions about why we need the ultrasound, and explain the procedure to us in full. They make me lie down and apply a clear gel to my stomach. It's kind of cold, and it tickles. The specialist then uses a weird.... thing... to go over my stomach gently, and takes photographs from the images on the screen. Hunter and I don't look though. We want the videos for after the baby is born, but not just yet. We still want it to be a surprise.

The specialists eyes widen, and I immediately think the worst.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, worried. "Is there something wrong with the baby?"

"No, no, perfectly healthy. But.... are you sure you don't want to know what you're having?" asks the specialist, a little concerned, I think.

I look at Hunter, and he looks about as confused as I feel.

"Well, I mean, yeah," says Hunter. "If there's a problem..."

"No, no problems, but..."

"But what?" I ask.

"Are you positive that you don't want to know?"

"Yes," Hunter and I say in unison.

"If you're sure..."

Why would we want to know so badly?

*A/N: Sorry, boring chapter, I know. It gets interesting next chapter, don't you worry.


I have never cried over a song before.

Until I heard 'Invisible'.

It was so beautiful :')

Anyway, I shall keep crying until this new album is released, rumour has it that it'll be released in May.


Nethii <3*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now