Chapter Eight

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I feel horrible. I never knew that those fans had affected Tia so much. Now that I think about it, she hasn't been quite right since that incident. She still acted like Tia, but sometimes I'd see her with a blank expression on her face, like she has so many thoughts, and she has no idea what to do with them.

When we get home, I turn in my seat to look at her.

"Tee, are you okay? You were silent the whole trip."

"I was trying to figure out what you want for dinner. Pasta?"

"You don't have to make dinner if you don't want to, babe. I can order some Chinese."

She smiles gratefully. "Thanks Hunt. If you noticed the time, you'd see that I don't really have time to make dinner." I check the time, and it's around 7:30 pm.

"Do you want Chinese, then?"

"Yeah, and we'll watch a movie. Sounds good?"

"Sounds good," I reply. "Go take a shower, you reek," I add jokingly. As if she ever smelled bad. She punches my arm playfully.

"Oh that's nice," she laughs. "Can you get the food while I take a shower and pick a movie?"

"Okay," I say, pulling out of the driveway.

When I get back, my arms are filled with food. I can't open the door, so I yell "I, Hunter Hayes, come bearing food for a beautiful young lady!"

She opens the door with a grin. Her hair is slightly damp, and she's wearing her favorite pajamas, the ones with an elephant on the t-shirt and the purple pajama pants.

She's never looked more beautiful in her life.

"Need a hand?" she asks, taking about half of what I'm carrying.

"Thanks," I say, walking inside after her. I look at her choice of movie. Casino Royale, a James Bond movie. I smile to myself.

"Let's eat!" says Tia, putting the DVD into the TV, and the movie starts.

When we finish eating, we snuggle on the couch. Tia's on the inside of the couch, because she always falls off whatever she's lying on. The movie finishes, and I check the time. It's around 9:30 pm. Looking down at Tia, I see that she's fast asleep, her head resting on my bicep. She sighs in her sleep, and moves closer to me, putting her head on my chest. Ultimately, my heart starts beating faster.  

I'm in a bit of a twist now. Should I move her, or should I just let her sleep here tonight, and I stay with her?

I decide she looks too peaceful. I move my right arm, the one she's sleeping on, around to wrap around her waist without moving my upper arm, and let my other arm stroke her hair gently. We're turned towards each other, chest to chest, and I kiss the top of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. I fall asleep like this, both of us curved around each other.


I wake up several hours later to see Tia, her head still lying on my chest.

"Don't touch me!" she says, quietly at first. "No, stay away from me!! No!! NO!!"

"Tia, wake up!" I say, trying to shake her awake. She starts writhing.


"Tia, you're having a dream. Wake up!" I yell desperately.


"I won't hurt you!! Wake up, Tia, wake up!!"

She screams, and her eyes fly open. The second she sees me, she starts crying.


It had seemed so real. The men, the alleyway, everything.

"Tia, shh. Please stop crying," murmurs Hunter. "I won't ever let those men get their hands on you ever again."

I can't speak. I'm too scared.

"My love, I would never let anything hurt you. I love you. Calm down," he whispers to me, stroking my hair. His touch comforts me a little, but I'm still terrified. I pull his body closer to mine, and try to hold him there. He gets the hint and moves closer to me.

"Would you like me to sing to you?" he asks me softly, and I nod. He starts singing 'Rainy Season' quietly in my ear. I wait for my eyelids to grow heavier, but nothing happens.

"I don't understand," I mutter. "It's not working."

"It isn't?"

I shake my head.

"Would you like to just wake up now?"

"What's the time?" I ask, realising how tired Hunter seems.

"About five am," he yawns.

"No. You go back to sleep, I'll try sleep on my own."

"Uh huh. You can't seriously think I'm going to fall asleep again."

"So then?" I demand.

He smiles, making my heart melt. "I'm waiting up with you."

Hunter pulls me closer to him, and I listen to his heartbeat. His warmth is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. He strokes my hair some more, before nuzzling his face into my hair.

"You smell nice," he says, randomly.

I laugh. "I thought I reeked?"

"That was before you took a shower," he says, and even though I can't see him, I can tell he just winked.

"Right. Well, if it helps, you smell nice too." And he did, with the scent of his aftershave, mingled with coffee. It was a strange combination, but it was almost intoxicating. I find myself looking up at him, and he kisses me softly.

"You're so beautiful. How do you do it? I can't resist you," he says, before kissing me again.

"Pure skill," I say, smiling. "If anything, I have a hard time resisting you. Honestly though, I can't believe you love me. It's every Hayniac's dream come true, and here I am, living it."

"I was always looking for that special someone, the one girl who could accept me, music and all. Most of the time, I'm too devoted to my music to be in a committed relationship."

"I think you're perfect." I reach up and kiss him again. He winds his fingers through my hair and pulls the length of my body against his. I melt into him, and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Perfect," he whispers.

"Perfect," I echo him.

He looks down at me. "Your eyes," he murmurs in a low voice. "They drive me crazy."

I blush and look down, but he takes two finger under my chin and tilts my head back up. "Don't be shy," he says, in the same low voice. "I love you."

"I love you too," I whisper, and he leans in once more.

*A/N: Well, random little chapter, but a good one... right?

I thought I told everyone to give me ideas on the name, gender and looks of Trey and Peyton's new child, hmm? Please give me ideas, I have no clue what I want for them.

Also, the song on the side, 'All Of Me', by John Legend. Great song, and I think it outlines perfectly how Hunter feels for Tia. Re-read the chapter listening to the song this time. Or, you don't have to, but hey :)


Nethii <3*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now