Chapter Ten

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*A/N: Quick warning beforehand, this chapter will switch POV a lot. Make sure you know who's POV it's in, or you'll get confused. There'll also be a few new POV's, other characters, not just Hunter and Tia.

Enjoy :)



On the way to the bigger shopping centre, with all the designer shops that I don't know the name of, Hunter brings up something I never even thought of.

"We're getting married soon," he reminds me. I nod, smiling. "Do you want a traditional wedding?"

"I really don't mind," I say, cautiously. "It depends on how Peyton's planning it."

"Probably traditional then," he guesses. "She was talking about me wearing a tux, and you wearing a dress."

I make a face. "Ew."

He laughs at my expression. "Oh, love, wear a dress. Just on your wedding day. Please?" Hunter gives me a crooked smile, and I'm dazed.


The smile gets wider, before he laughs, showing his perfect white teeth. "I'll take that as a yes, then."

"Stop doing that!" I say, pretending to be annoyed, and be chuckles again, before turning a corner to a giant shopping centre.


"It's full of designer shops and labels, although I don't know any names. I'm sure Carla would though." Hunter looks amazed by the size of the place as well.

Just before I get out of the car to meet Peyton and Natasha, Hunter stops me.

"Tee, if we are having a traditional wedding, there's something we still need."

"What? I thought me and Pey managed to plan everything!"

"This is something the bride and groom have to organise. A best man and a maid of honour."

"Oh..." I trail off. "Who are you picking?"

"That's just the thing. I have no idea."

"Neither do I."

"Okay. By the end of today, I'll have a best man, and you'll have a maid of honour. Agreed?"

"Agreed," I say, before we both get out of the car.


As Tia and Hunter make their way to me and Natasha, I smile at Natasha.

"Tia told me you were also studying medicine and psychology, not just hair and makeup. Is that going well for you?"

"Oh yeah, it's incredible. Thanks for asking," answers Natasha, smiling. It's weird to know that she's older than me.

When Hunter leaves Tia with us, he gives Tia a kiss. "Stay safe," he says to her quietly.

"I have Peyton and Natasha, Hunt. I'll be fine. I love you," she replies, hugging him.

"I love you more." He gives her one more kiss before waving at us and leaving. Tia looks dizzy somewhat.  

"They're so adorable together," says Natasha quietly for only me to hear.

"Yeah, they are. He loves her so much, and she still can't believe he loves her. He's like putty in her hands, he'd do anything for her. Tia, on the other hand, still has a hard time comprehending that he actually loves her. She thinks it's crazy," I say quietly as well, before Tia comes to stand with us.

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now