Chapter Seven

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Waking up, I feel more at home and safer than I ever have. I see Tia, asleep in my arms. She looks peaceful, and her hair is messy. I look at her guitar pendant, the one I gave her almost a year ago. The pendant used to be gold, but it's turned bronze from wear. Her bruises from yesterday look okay, and Tia feels warm and soft in my arms. She's so tiny. She's not that much shorter than me, but her figure is almost petite. I trace circles on her inner wrist softly, and I feel her pulse.
I get a flashback, of her pulse suddenly stopping, in the hospital. I had been so scared of losing her. I need her. There's no doubt about it. I've had crushes on girls, but I've never felt for them as strongly as I do for Tia. I believe that she suits me perfectly. A music lover, who can cook well and knows how to bring me up when I'm feeling down. She's perfect.
She stirs slightly, and wakes up, yawning as she does so.
"Morning, Hunt," she says.  
"Tia," I say, and hug her, pulling her into my chest.
"Well, this is a nice greeting," she says, laughing a little. "What brought this on?"
"I want you to know how much I love you. I'm so lucky to call you mine. You're beautiful." I kiss her once, and she blushes.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm great. I'm on Cloud Nine."
She smiles at me. "It's just that... you tell me you love me, but never this much. What made you need to tell me so suddenly?"
"I can't lose you, Tee. I learnt that yesterday. You have no idea how I reacted when I saw that text from you. If I lose you, I don't think I'd ever be whole again."
"You should write a song about how much you love me," she jokes.
My eyes widen. "Yeah, I should!"
She laughs. "Hunter, I was kidding."
"I wasn't." I roll out of bed, and Tia gets out as well.
Before she can finish, I grab my guitar and start strumming randomly again. Maybe, if I can get the right tune-
"Okay, Hunt, before we do anything, you're eating breakfast."
"Can I help you make breakfast? It's always fun to help you," I say, setting my guitar down.
She cracks up. "There's your typical man, who tries to avoid the kitchen until all the cooking is done. And then, there's Hunter."
"Who said I was your typical man?"
"You're right," she says, reaching up on the tips of her toes to peck me on the lips. "You're so much more."
I feel myself going red.
Smooth, Hunter.
Tia starts taking out the ingredients for what I think is for cheese on toast, and I feel my stomach rumble. I start taking out the sandwich maker, and Tia adds a slice of ham to each piece of bread, along with the cheese.
I remember that we both need to go to the studio today. Tia wants to write some more, and I'm recording the new album. By the time the sandwiches are done, Tia's wearing a blue and purple plaid shirt with knee high, black leather boots and blue jeans, while I'm wearing a long sleeved black shirt. Tia gives me one sandwich, pulls me out the door, and locks it.
"Shall we, good sir?"
"We shall, fair lady," I say, taking her hand and intertwining our fingers. She takes a bite of her sandwich while we go to the car.
I turn on the radio, and I hear familiar music playing.
"No way," mutters Tia, turning up the radio.
"... know I'm happy now... oh...
Oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh,
Oh, oh, oh..."
"And that was a fresh new hit from brand new artist to the industry, Tia Williams, currently ranking third on the iTunes charts-"
"Oh my god!" she squeals. I keep listening to the radio.
"She's gonna have to change her name soon though! A trusted source has told us that upcoming country artist Hunter Hayes has popped the question!"
"So, Tia Hayes?"
"I guess so! They're a beautiful couple though."
Both of us had our undivided attention focused on the radio.
"Any word on when the wedding might be?"
"Nothing, though I'm sure it's close."
The two radio hosts start talking about other people, while Tia and I stare at each other.
"Oh my god. Third!! Ranking third on iTunes!!"
"Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you!" We stop at the traffic lights, and I hug her tightly. She's giddy with excitement. I remember how I felt when "Wanted" started to get famous. I know exactly how she feels.
"I wonder who that 'trusted source' was," she says thoughfully. The green light comes on, and I start driving again, watching the road as I answer.
"I dunno. Those fans, maybe?" Her fists curl up, and her eyes suddenly narrow.
"Stupid little douches," she hisses.
"It might not have been, that was almost three months ago," I say, trying not to laugh at her reaction. "What's the worst that could happen?"
She's silent, unable to come up with a good argument. So they know we're getting married.
Oh well.


We get to the studio, and I see Dann. We greet him, and behind him, four men stand together.
"Matt! Devo! Steve! Sam!" I yell, running and hugging them.
"Hey!" says Sam, laughing. "Somebody missed us."
"You have no idea," I say. We all go to the recording studio, where Hunter sits down and starts writing. I start writing as well. 
*A/N: This is actually "Jolene" by Dolly Parton, which was probably written way before everyone reading this was born.*
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
I'm begging of you please don't take my man,
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene,
Please don't take him just because you can,
Your beauty is beyond compare,
With flaming locks of auburn hair,
With ivory skin, and eyes of emerald green
Your smile is like a breath of spring, 
Your voice is soft like summer rain,
And I cannot compete with you, Jolene
"Were you already writing this in your head?" asks a voice behind me, making me jump. "Sorry," says Hunter, for scaring me.
"Kind of. I fell asleep really late last night," I say, feeling the bags under my eyes. Most girls would try to cover it up with makeup, but to be honest, I really don't care.
"Who's it about?" he asks me, softly. I don't answer, instead I look intently at my lyrics.
"Those fans. It's about those fans," My hands curl into fists, and I have a sudden urge to hit something.
"Why 'Jolene'?"
"Why not?"
"Tia, you have to know that I would never leave you for another woman, no matter how beautiful she was, because they have nothing on you. You're perfect." I feel myself blush, and Hunter comes and hugs me. "You're all mine," he whispers in my ear.
"I know you've told me that you love me since the day we first kissed-" I smile at the memory of my own clumsiness "-but I still have fears, Hunt. I just don't know, what with all those girls wanting to marry you left, right and center. It worries me. I trust you completely. This song is for all the girls out there who want to take you from me, not for you."
He kisses me gently. "I wish I could let you inside my head for a day, and you would know just how much I love you." Our faces are only inches apart, and just as I'm about to close the gap-
"AGAIN WITH THE PDA'S!!!!!!" screams Devo, and Hunter and I jump away from each other, and the band start laughing.
Hunter pulls me back to him, and kisses me passionately. The band start retching again.
If this is going to be the rest of my life, then I couldn't possibly ask for more.
It's faultless.

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now