Chapter Thirty-Five

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*A/N: Anything beyond this point in the story is not and I mean NOT REAL.

Thank you.

Nethii <3*



I wake up after realising that Hunter's warmth isn't with me anymore. I look up to see him pulling on a jacket.


His head whips around to look at me. "Oh, Tee. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay. Where're you off to?"

"Just a couple of interviews and a gig. I'll be back by about six tonight, okay? Wanna go out for dinner?"

"Sounds great," I say. There's a sudden pain in my stomach and I wince a little. He notices.

"You okay?"

"Just a cramp. I'm fine."

"Maybe we should go to the hospital," he says worriedly, and I shake my head.

"No, it's okay. The baby isn't due for another two weeks."

He shoots me a smile. "She'll be beautiful, you know. Just like you."

I sit up, ignoring another painful jab. "Have a good day, honey. I'll see you tonight."

He kisses me on the lips, kisses my swollen belly, and leaves the room.





"Hey, Tee."

"Pey! How's JJ?" I ask, sitting down on the couch and propping my legs up on the table.

"He's good, he's good. Tee, Giselle just called, and she needs someone to look after Colt. I can't do it, I'm too busy with JJ. Do you think you could?"

"Where does Giselle live?"

"Nashville, believe it or not. It's easy enough for her to get to your house."

"Awesome!" I say, truly glad. I haven't seen Colt for ages, and I sort of miss him.

About half an hour later, Colton and Giselle appear at my doorstep.

"Hey, Tia!" says Giselle. "You're absolutely glowing, when's he due?"

"Sometime this month," I say, with a small smile. I'm nervous about it, and I'm really scared about how painful it might be.

"Nervous?" she says, sympathetic. "Don't worry, when it's all over, it's totally worth it." She looks at Colton, who's playing with Olive. "You come up with the most beautiful little treasure in the world."

I hug Giselle awkwardly around my bump. "Thanks, Giselle."

"No, thank you for looking after Colton on such short notice."

"No problem. I'll see you later today?"

"You know it!"

Giselle starts up her car and leaves, leaving Colton and I alone.

"Hey, Colt! How's school?"

"It's so good, Auntie Tia!" he says, absolutely stoked. "I did what you said, and I met loads of people, and I have lots of friends now. One of them's named Hayley, and she's really nice. She likes birdwatching too! Did you know she comes from Australia, like you? She has a pet cockatoo!"

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now