Chapter Thirty-Four

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I wake up, and see Hunter still asleep. I somehow roll out of bed, and start making the two of us breakfast. Ugh, I feel so big, I can't do anything.
"Morning, Tee," Hunter croaks, walking into the kitchen, yawning.
"Are you okay?" I ask. "You look a little worse for wear."
"Well, now that you mention it, I don't feel so good," he says hoarsely, and I feel his forehead.
"You have a fever," I say. "I think you're sick."
"Ugh," he groans. "Today, of all days."
"What do you mean?"
"I was planning on going baby shopping with you today."
"We're shopping for a baby?"
"Yeah," he says. "Remember?"
"Why would we buy a baby? Where would we get one anyway? It's not like they have shops where you can just buy a ba-"
"Not like that, Tee, I mean like getting stuff for the baby," he says.
"Do we have Tylenol?"
"We should," I say. I search through the cupboard and come up with some Tylenol. I hand it to Hunter with his coffee. "We don't have to go today, if you don't want to."
"No, that's okay. We should get going." He gets up, brushes himself off, and walks into the bathroom to get shaved and dressed. I quickly change into a baggy shirt and a pair of jeans and wait for Hunter to be done. When he comes out, he looks tired, and pale, but he smiles reassuringly.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah. Hunt, are you sure about this?"
"We won't ever get it done otherwise," he says. "Come on!"
We hit Babies R Us first, and we find the most adorable bassinet plus a load of baby clothes, all in green.
"Hunter, look at these!" I say, showing him the little onesie. "It's so cute!"
"Do you want to buy it?" he asks.
"Could I really?" I ask, excitedly.
"Of course. We came to get things for the baby after all."
Soon, once we're done shopping, we go back home and stare our guest bedroom in the face.
"Okay, Hunt," I say. "Once the baby's born, for the first couple of months, he-"
"-she-" he says quickly.
"-is staying in our room. But when he-"
"-is older, it can stay in here. How's that?"
"Okay. Are we renovating again?"
I grin, holding up one of our old paintbrushes. "You read my mind."
We start by painting the walls. At one point, Hunter flicks green paint at my face, and I turn around, a shocked look on my face.
"Hunter Hayes," I say, "did you just flick me with green paint?"
"I sure did," he says, laughing. "What are you gonna do about it?"
I grab a paint roller and roll his whole body, head to toe. "This."
He opens his mouth in a giant 'o'. "You asked for it!" he yells, grabbing a handful of paint and throwing it at me. I scream, laughing my head off, and use a paintbrush to flick paint at him. It becomes a full-blown paint fight, both of us screaming and laughing.
Suddenly, somebody comes to the door. I throw a handful of paint at Hunter, and he ducks, but the person at the door gets the full blast of it.


I stand there, dripping with paint, while Hunter and Tia laugh like maniacs. Trying to keep a straight face, I stare at them until their laughter dies down.
"Oh, gosh, Nat, I'm so sorry," says Tia, still giggling.
"Yeah, she was aiming for me. She has terrible aim though." Tia laughs, and throws another handful of paint at Hunter, and gets him on the side of his head. He doesn't even seem to notice.
Ben comes in. He had been behind me by a bit, and he was organising everyone in the living room, which meant that he had missed the paint fight.
"Hey guys," he says. "You look good in green, Nat." His hazel eyes gleam mischievously.
I scrape some of the paint off my face and smear it on his head. "So do you," I reply, stepping back to see the look on his face.
"Thanks. Really, thanks," he says, and Tia and Hunter start laughing again.
"Look at us. We're married, about to have a child, you're engaged, and we're throwing green paint at each other," says Tia, laughing at the weirdness of the situation. "Are you staying for dinner?"
"Uh... sort of. Hunter, can we talk with you for a second?"
"Sure," says Hunter, frowning a little.
When we take him outside, Ben literally stares at him, not doing anything else. "Are you serious, Hunter?"
"Wh-what?" he says, his voice faltering ever so slightly.
"The baby shower is today, you idiot!" I hiss.
"Oh!" he says, realisation striking his face. "Crap, I forgot!"
"Everyone's in the living room!"
"I'll get Tia changed and stuff," he says. "Tee?" he calls into the room.
"We need to get changed."
"There's a load of people in the living room."
"Hunter, shut up!" I say, slapping his arm. "It was meant to be a surprise!"
"Oh yeah," he says. "Oops."
"Oops, he says," I mutter to myself. "Honestly..."
"It's okay, Nat. Come on. Baby shower time!" says Ben.


Tia comes into the living room, cleaned of her paint, and screams when she sees everyone in the living room.
Peyton, Trey and JJ.
Michael and Evette.
Ma and Dad.
Ben and Nat.
The band.
"Oh my gosh! You all came!" she squeals, hugging everyone. Everyone hands her their present, and she begins to open them, one by one.
Peyton and Trey got Tia a bassinet, baby clothes, and basically another one of everything we got for the baby today.
"Don't worry," says Peyton. "When you get pregnant again, you can use this stuff. Or the other stuff."
Tia stares. "Don't even go there. One's bad enough, let alone two."
She then opens the presents from her parents. A baby mobile, with little teddy bears on it.
"This used to be your favourite thing in the world," says Evette, smiling. She spins it, and we hear a tinkling lullaby coming from the mobile.
"Oh my goodness," Tia says, softly. "It's beautiful. Thank you, Mama, Papa."
"That's okay," says Michael, and they hug. It's an emotional scene.
Ma and Dad are next, and they hand Tia a box, and she laughs at what she finds.
"Would you look at this, Hunter?" she says. "Your baby photos!"
"Oh no," I mutter.
"I knew you'd like it!" says Ma, laughing. "Look at him there! I remember how he'd always be making noise, no matter what."
"Oh goodness, Hunter, you're naked in this one," says Trey, pointing and laughing. I turn red.
"Enough of that! Next!" I say, taking the book out of Tia's hand, amid everyone's laughter.
Ben and Nat give Tia a baby monitor, something that we'd need around the house for sure. Finally, the band each give us baby clothes, one each, in different colours.
"Red, yellow, green, blue and purple," laughs Tia. "Brilliant! Thank you, everyone!"

*A/N: It gets better next chapter, promise :)
Nethii <3*

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now