Chapter Fourteen

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*A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!*


My alarm goes off, and I wake up with a groan. Tia had another nightmare last night, although she refused to tell me what it had been about. Either way, I only fell asleep again at around four in the morning. My alarm goes off at 5 am.

Rolling over, I see Tia, fast asleep. The shadows under her eyes are beginning to look permanent, and she's so stressed all the time now. I hope she's okay. I don't want her to be sick or anything like that. Right now, she looks peaceful, almost fragile. She murmurs something in her sleep, and sighs. She speaks again, louder this time.

"Hunter," she says in her sleep, quietly. She smiles, eyes still closed, and adjusts herself, before repeating my name.

I grin, understanding. Is she having a dream about me?

She sighs again, and I start playing with her hair, forgetting about the studio for a few minutes. She seems so fragile all the time now, and it worries me a little. Her stress levels are at an all time high.

Nuzzling into me, she murmurs my name again. I should record this, and play it to her, just to see her reaction. I pull her closer, and before I know it, I've fallen asleep as well.



"Hunter, what the hell are you doing?" asks Sam angrily. "You were supposed to be here two hours ago!"

I check the time, and scramble out of bed. "I'm sorry, Sam, I fell asleep again."

"Just hurry up," he sighs, before hanging up.

"Where are you going?" asks Tia sleepily.

"Tee, it's seven, I'm two hours late for the studio."

She suddenly rolls out of bed as well. "Oh damn! I was supposed to be at Pey's house at eight! There's no way I can get there in an hour!"

She runs into the bathroom, presumably to get dressed. I change into a red shirt with black jeans, and she comes out wearing a cream coloured street sweater with blue jeans. She kisses me quickly.

"Have fun," she says, hugging me.

"I will," I promise, and I give her a quick kiss. She goes to her car, and yawns, before she starts it. I feel worried. What if she's too tired to drive? What if she falls asleep at the wheel?

Don't think that, says the voice in my head. It'll affect your recording today.

Yeah, I should listen to that voice. It's pretty wise, if I do say so myself.

When I get to the studio, the entire band are looking at me as though I've committed a murder.

"Guys, don't look at me like that," I sigh.  

"Why were you so late?" asks Matt.

"I... kinda fell back asleep."


"Because I was tired. Tia had another nightmare last night, and she wouldn't go to sleep, so I stayed up with her."

Their faces soften a bit. "More nightmares?" asks Devo.

I nod, before grabbing a guitar. They understand that I don't want to talk about it.

"Let's get some more recording done then, hmm?" I say.


"Tia..." I hear someone say, while they shake my shoulder. "Wake up, Tia..."

"Mmph," I groan. "It's Saturday, Hunt."

Where We Left Off (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 2 of the HunTia Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now