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"To the football game!", Katie yelled. "We are already here", I said. "I know but let's get in and get a seat. I wanna be able to see your brother. See if he is any good", Katie said walking in. I rolled my eyes and smiled at the girl I called my best friend. She didn't find out Markus played football until last week. She made me come so she wouldn't be alone yelling at my brother and people wouldn't think things. She already has a boyfriend. She doesn't need people thinking she's cheating.
I walked in and bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry", I said. "It's ok", they replied. I recognize that voice. "Allen #23", I whispered. "So you know me. Nice to meet you", he said. "H-hi", I stuttered. "Allen! Come on!" "Coming! I'll see you after the game", he said and ran off. After the game?! I ran to Katie and sat down shaking. "What's wrong with you?", Katie asked. "N-nothing", I replied. Katie didn't believe me but left me be. The players went out on the feild after the cheerleaders did a little cheer for them.
"Who you going to root for?", Katie asked. "What do you mean. We are both here for Markus", I said. "I know but do you find any of them cute or hot?", Katie asked. My face went a deep red. "Maybe", I whispered. "Ahh! You do like one of them! Who is it?", Katie asked. "I'm not telling you", I glared at her. Katie keep laughing and say things like how cute I am when I'm mad. I saw Markus pass the ball to Allen and our team made a touchdown. "Oh my god your brother is good at football", Katie said.
"I told you but you didn't believe me", I said, smirking. "Don't get confident on me", Katie said. I laughed and we continued watching till halftime. The cheerleaders from each school did a face off cheer. I think our squad was better. Only because my friend Matt is on the squad. Some football players came into the stands to watch. Markus sat by us. "How my little brother?", Markus asked. "I'm good", I replied. "Rin likes some one", Katie said. "Who!", Markus asked.
Markus is a protective type of brother. He doesn't control my whole life. I just tell him who I like and he tells me if their right for me. I'm not tell him this one though. "Rin, tell me", Markus said. "I don't wanna", I said. Allen walked up and sat down infront of me, facing us. My face must look like a strawberry. "You ok Rin?", Allen asked. "H-how d-do you know my n-name?", I stuttered. "Markus talks about you alot", Allen replied. Oh no. What has Markus told them? Hopefully nothing to embarrassing.
"I-Im fine", I said. "You sure? Your face is really pink", Allen said. I shook my head. "I'm going to go get drinks", Katie said. "And food", Markus said. They got up and left me with #23. Allen moved up next to me. My fave more pink almost red. "You ok?", Allen asked. I nodded. Allen puts his pointer and thumb on my chin and lifts my face. Allen smiled. "You're so cute", Allen said. My face got reder if possible. Allen smiled and kissed my cherry red cheek. "I'll see you later", Allen said.
He left as Markus and Katie came back with a hotdog and coke for me. "What was that about?", Katie asked. Markus left to go play the next half of the game. I shook my head and sipped my coke. I'm so embarrassed.

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