If These Walls Could Talk

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"We're popular, we have a high reputation on us but we're gay", my boyfriend repeated to me. I nodded once more not really paying attention to him. "Babe, are you listening?", he asked. I nodded waving him off as i continued to bite my lip. You see, my bed room walls suddenly came alive and seem to say the last thing they "saw". And the last thing they saw was me and Jaden kissing. They whisper it but even then it seems so loud in my ears. "Honey? Are you home?" My mom. "Uh, y-yeah!", I replied. Jaden looked just as, maybe even more worried as me as we heard her climb the stairs to my room. I turned my tv on and played an anime to try to distract us. As my door opened the voices inside the walls stopped talking. "Spend bro time together?", she asked. We nodded never really taking our eyes off the tv though we werent listening to it in the slightest. She smiled, closing my door as she reminded me about dinner. Me and Jaden sighed in relief but it didnt last. The walls began to whisper "mother doesnt know" over and over. As much as i wanted to hit the wall i knew it wouldnt do anything. "So, what are we gonna do?", Jaden asked. I looked over at him and shrugged. "I honestly dont think there is anything we can do", i replied.
As the weeks went on it became more and more clear to me that the walls only whispered to me and Jaden, at least we were the only ones that could hear them. My mom walked in one day but they didnt stop, she didnt seem to hear a thing though. "Spencer honey, i have a question about you and Jaden", she started as we continued to fold my clothes and put them away. The whispers started. "Yes? What is it?", i asked a little nervous. "Well first off, know i love you no matter what and you shouldnt be afraid to tell me anything. Secondly, are you and him just friends or is there something more there?", she asked. Ive never had a panic attack before but what i was feeling as she asked that question sure felt like one. I calmed myself down and folded another shirt. "Uh well, i mean, um..." The whispers sounded so loud in my head it now sounded like a normal level of talking. "Honey?", she asked a little concerned. Was i dying? Maybe. Shouts from all directions filled my ears and it became too much. I felt hot tears burn my cheeks as i curled up in the floor against my mom. I heard her trying to calm me down and it helped to some extent. Once i was stable, i wiped my eyes and took a few deep breaths. "I dont know, didnt know how to tell you, i just-" "Hey, its ok. I still love you honey and i always will no matter who you are", she told me. God i love my mom.
I gave her a big hug before explaining to her everything. Even the voices in the walls. After that, they havent spoken to me or Jaden for the rest of our years together. Its almost like it was all in my head, like i imagined them the entire time. As of today, me and Jaden have been daiting 6 years, we got married and have a beautiful baby girl named Jenna who turns 4 today. I love the little family im blessed to have and cant wait for adventures with them in the future.

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