You're the Better Brother

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Alex Jennings. The model perfect student. He was smart, respectful, kind and super nice. What wasn't there to like about him? Well, he had a twin brother who everyone loved way more than him. Lots of people didn't even realize Alex existed since his twin Andrew was so popular and he was so not. Even their parents favored Andrew over Alex. Alex had strict rules he had to follow almost being treated like a slave while Andrew didn't and was treated like a prince. No one really talked about Alex. He wasn't ever mentioned and if he was it was always "the other Jennings kid". No one seemed to ask Andrew either. Alex was used to all of this.

Any friend he made met Andrew and immediately left him behind. Alex was ok with it though. He didn't have much free time to have friends anyways. A lot of the time Alex would avoid people, adding to his unknown reputation. The twins parents worked a lot so they where barely home allowing for Andrew to go out to as many parties he wanted while Alex slaved away in the house doing chores. Alex had to go straight home after school while Andrew didn't. Alex had to keep his grades up, do homework, chores and make dinner for his brother and him while Andrew could get away with having a C and playing video games all afternoon. This did mean that Alex was a good cook and at this point, he didn't mind the loneliness but it was starting to get to him.

I sat down in my usual seat in the back of the class of my first period as the bell rang for class to start. Me and my twin shared this period but its not like he would talk to me. He had friends to talk to. I doodled in my notebook most the time. "Class we have a new student" I looked up to see a pretty decently built guy with dark brown messy hair standing in the front of the class. He wore a black shirt that seemed to hug his muscles just right with a pair of basic blue jeans. He had freckles that littered his face and man was it adorable. He was nicely tanned like he goes to the beach regularly. "Hi! Im Luke Moss", he said. His voice was nice and deep but smooth like creamy chocolate. He'd make a great friend for Andrew... "Have a seat in the back back there and we'll get started" I turned and noticed he'd be sitting next to me.

Just don't talk to him and you wont get hurt. "Hey, Im Luke", he said as he sat down. "Oh, uh, I heard", I replied looking back at my doodle of a fish and continuing it. "What's your name?", he asked. "It's not that important", I replied. I see out of my peripheral that he was getting annoyed and sad. Why cant I do anything right? "It kinda does if we wanna be friends", Luke said. Shock and anxiety surged through me and I'm sure he could tell. "What's wrong?", he asked. "N-nothing", I replied trying to calm down. Soon the teacher pulled us away from our conversation and school finally started.


I didn't see Luke for the rest of the day until 4th period. "Hey!" I heard him yell for me but I kept walking to the back of the class. And of course he followed me. "How come you're avoiding me?", he asked as he sat down in the seat next to me. Has he really not met my brother yet? "I just don't like people", I replied a little cold. He laughed at that and might I say his laugh is amazing. "How do you make friends then?", he asked. "He doesn't" We looked over to see Tyler and Jake, Andrew's friends. "Hey guys!", Luke said with a bright smile that could outshine the sun. "Come sit with us Luke. You're not gonna get anything outta him if you sit back here", Tyler said. There goes a friend I never had. "But I wanna get to know him", Luke pouted. He's like a puppy! An adorable annoying puppy.

Jake laughed a little. "You must not have met his brother. He's way cooler", Jake said. I nodded. "You'd be better off friends with Andrew", I said close to a mumble. "See, even the pipsqueak knows it", Tyler said. Luke looked a little taken back by all of this. "I don't understand. Why is your brother better?", he asked turning to me. "He just is", I replied and class began.


It was lunch and I was the last out my class as always. As I exited into the not so busy halls I was spotted. "Hey!" I cringed a little knowing it was Luke. "How come you're not walking towards the lunch room?", Luke asked. Our school was pretty small so everyone had lunch at the same time. "I'm going to the library", I replied. "And you're not eating?", Luke asked concerned. I shook my head no. "Do you eat?", Luke asked. "I have dinner when I get home", I replied. "And when is that?", he asked. "Like, around 7pm", I replied. He'd managed to follow me all the way to the library. "Thats super late dude! You need to eat lunch", Luke said. "Why do you even care?", I asked a little annoyed. "Because everyone needs to eat lunch", he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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