That Night

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It was a cold day in Snowdin and Frisk was shivering in her bed. She tried to wrap herself in her blankets, but it was just too cold. Her short brown hair was scattered across her pillow as she tossed and turned, her brown eyes were wide in fear. She heard the loud snores coming next door in Sans's room. After she moved in, Papyrus made an extra room for her, right in between Papyrus's and Sans's room.

Frisk began to make little squeaking noises in her bed. Chara popped up in her mind and Frisk screamed. Chara was trying to get into her mind again. She felt pains of agony going through her mind as Chara tried to get into her mind.


Frisk cried loudly and the snoring in the room next to her stopped. Sans ran into the room and hugged her. Frisk noticed his left eye glowing blue. He was wearing a warm grey shirt and black basketball shorts. The warmth of the clothing comforted Frisk slightly.

"S-Sans she tried to g-get into my mind again." Frisk cries through tears.

"you'll be ok kiddo, i'm here now." he cooed.

Frisk cried softly, hugging Sans tightly. Papyrus runs into the room, awakened by Frisk's cries. He was wearing an orange shirt that said "Cool  Dude", orange pajama bottoms, and had orange boxers on his head like a nightcap.


"I had another nightmare Papyrus, I'm fine." Frisk says.

"i just heard her crying and came to help." Sans added.


"ok paps, good night, don't let the spiders bite." Sans joked.

Papyrus ran back to his room and fell back asleep. Sans ran his fingers through Frisk's hair. Frisk started to blush a dark red, making mewing noises. Sans also began to blush. But he blushed a dark blue.

"hey frisk... what exactly happened in your dream.... if you don't mind me askin o'course"

"I'll only tell you if you hug me." Frisk says.

Sans hugs Frisk, consoling her.

"Chara got into my mind. She told me to kill everyone and that nobody cares about me. She also told me I will snap one day and be like her. She also mentioned about Flowey reviving her." Frisk explained now crying again.

Frisk feels Chara in her presence, listening to everything she says.

"don't cry kiddo... always remember, i care... no matter what. I get bonely too." Sans cooed.

Frisk laughed softly at his joke, it filled her with Determination. Sans chuckled at himself. Frisk then jerked a little.

Chara still remains in the back of Frisk's mind...

"hey you ok kid?"

Sans receives a notification from his cell phone. It's from Undyne.

" Hey Sans! I was was wondering if maybe we can hang around 5 A.M.! Me, Alph, Frisk, you and Paps. Sorry it's so late, you know how bad the connection is here, THX ~Undyne"

"hey kid, i just got a text from undyne asking if her,alphs, papyrus, you, and me want to go hang out. wanna to go?¨ Sans asks.

¨I dunno Sans.... What if I snap?¨ Frisk asks eagerly.

"dont worry kiddo ill be there if anything happens." sans reassured,"and if you just reset....never mind" Sans stopped mid-sentence.

¨Please tell me Sans. I want to know.¨ Frisk begs.

"If you reset... ill you might forget when i do this" Sans says.

Sans pulled Frisk towards him. He kissed her sweetly. Frisk blushed and closed her eyes slowly. Sans blushed deep blue. Sans pulls away and stares into Frisk's eyes.

" just please frisk, dont reset... only expectations are when its in emergency..."

Sans gets another message from Undyne.

"So are ya comin, or nah?"

"sure, np with it being late sys!" Sans types.

"What was that text for?" Frisk asks.

"just a text from undyne, were headin to her house tonight"

"Why? Plus it's like three in the morning." Frisk asks.

"why not?" sans replies, "it might be fun"

"What are you planning Sans?"

"just to hang and have some ketchup"

"Ok Sans if you say so." Frisk says through a giggle.

Sans smiles.

¨ we'll be right there :D¨ sans types, replying to undyne's text.

¨get ready frisk, were goin to undyne's house.¨

"THEY WILL KILL YOU IF YOU GO!" Chara said to Frisk.

Frisk starts to regret wanting to go... She hopes she made the right choice.

"ONLY I KNOW WHAT IS GoNNA HAPPEN FRISK." Chara said grinning..

Frisk takes off her shirt in front of Sans. He leaves blushing; he wants to respect her privacy.

¨ill go get ready¨ sans said, as he went to get his blue hoodie on.

Frisk changes into her normal purple and blue striped shirt and jean shorts.

¨I'm ready Sans!¨ Frisk says

¨hey paps, wake up! we gotta go to undyne's place.¨ Sans whispers.


¨ they might make spaghetti~¨ Sans says bribingly

¨THE GREAT PAPYRUS WOULD LOVE SPAGHETTI AT THE PLACE OF UNDYNE!!!!," Papyrus yells and got out of his jammies.

¨ok paps, you get ready, ill go check on the human.¨ Sans cooed.

Frisk is in the living room watching old ¨MTT Cooking with a Killer Robot¨ episodes on the couch. Memories flash in her mind about genocide run in a different timeline. Frisk hears Chara's laughter in her head.

¨Oh Darling! Ill make your last living moments, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL¨ the flashback of Mettaton says

Frisk jumps a little bit, startled, just as Sans is walking in. Frisk looks back to the television quickly, acting like nothing happened.

¨somehin up kiddo?" Sans asks.

¨I'm fine Sans, just thinking." Frisk replies.

¨ok kid... i think paps almost done... ¨

"ALMOST READY~"Papyrus declares.

"ok paps, ill meetcha outside" sans replies,"come on frisk, lets go"

¨coming sans¨

Welp first chapter done finally, took me forever -MostLikelyForgotton

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