The Reset

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Sans tried to console Frisk but it didn't work, her mind was blank with nothing else but her genocide run. Sans teleports them to the most beautiful spot in the Underground. The view of the castle between two caves.

"Why do I have to live in a living hell?" Frisk asks Sans.

"dont we all?" sans asks answering frisk's question.

"I was never respected at home anyways. My parents always secretly wished I was dead. My brother was the wanted one and I was just a mistake. I never had friends, all I ever felt was pain. I wasn't fed well and I had to work in the fields to get food. I was always judged from the way I look, act, and sound," Frisk explains.

" Ive seen my brother die so many times, im starting to get used to it. Everything in life will soon end up killing us. Life's a game, the only way to win is to die." Sans confesses.

"I don't want to live, as soon as I die I'm never respawning again. I'm tired of all this," Frisk confesses, gesturing to the world around them.

" Frisk, dont say that." Sans says squeezing Frisk harder.

"No matter how hard you try to convince me Sans, I'm not coming b-" Frisk gets interrupted.

Sans kisses Frisk, interrupting her, it was long and they both enjoyed it. After about a minute Frisk pushes Sans away.

"Stop Sans, you're making it worse," Frisk says.

" Frisk... i wont... until i turn to dust, i will always love you. And until im dust, will i ever let you die." Sans replies.

Frisk turns her face away from Sans. She gets up and walks away. Frisk heads to her secret spot behind the statue by the umbrellas. She sits behinds it and cries into her hands. She couldn't take this pain anymore. She took a knife out of her pocket and aimed it across her neck. She cut herself slightly but she heard Sans's footsteps.

"KID! KID WHERE ARE YOU!" sans shouts.

There was no response.


Frisk steps out of the shadows. She had a nasty cut on her neck and had blood all over her. Sans gaped at Frisk and she collapsed to the floor. Sans kneels by Frisk's limp body. He propped her head in his lap. Tears fell onto Frisk's body and Frisk winced in pain as life slipped away from her.

"why did you do this to yourself frisk? why do you have to be so immature? I need you frisk, i need you," sans says as tears fall.

Frisk opens her eyes and stares at Sans. She lets a smile form on her lips.

"I did this because I'm tired of dying and watching others die. I'm gonna reset the timeline and make sure Chara and Analise are put down for good. I'll make things right for the Underground. We'll meet again Sans, I promise," Frisk whispers.

"frisk, everyone is happy you're here. please.... don't go, the underground and i need you to stay," sans pleads.

Frisk eyes were closed and she didn't move. Sans held Frisk's body close to him and he mumbles Frisk's name over and over. Frisk's red soul appeared then shatters in front of him. A bright light appears and he disappears from the scene. Frisk reset the world.....

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