Brainwashed Frisk

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Afternoon came faster than Sans thought it would be. He teleported to the castle's judgement hall, having a flashbacks of Frisk's Genocide run. A few feet away were Chara, Analise, and Frisk.

"Howdy sans! You seem to be just in time for our lil... REUNION" chara greets.

"what are you planning chara?" sans asks

"Nothing much, just take full power of Frisk and make her reset to another Genocide run thats all " Analise says with the innocent face of a yandere.

" i would never let two girls do that. Over my dust" sans says

" OUR PLEASURE!" The girls say in harmony, back to back wielding a knife

Sans, Analise, and Chara enter battle mode while Metal Crusher plays in the background. With Frisk being tranquilized, she is not harmed with the pain of Chara and Analise. Sans pulls bones from the ground and they dodge them, separating their blade into two, one for each. The knife had a scarlet red handle with green flames burning from the backs. There insane faces creep Sans out a little but he shakes it off and continues. Chara and Analise slash Sans but he dodges and shoots Gaster Blasters at them. They teleport side by side, no sweat.

" WERE NOT DONE YET SANSY! SO ~GET READY! TO DIE " Chara says pleasantly

"Make that double! " Analise adds.

Sans spots Chara gazing at Analise and makes his move. He Gaster Blasts Chara as she takes one last glance at Analise. Analise sees this and can't bear the fact that her beloved is now dead... the look in her eyes made Sans feel his greatest sin crawl up his back. Her face is criminally insane as if the best and worst thing has just happened. Analise sprints towards Sans and he dodges as if she was the bull and he was the matador. Sans uses his magic and picks up Analise's soul. He throws it to the other side of the room and Analise winces in pain as blood starts to come out of her mouth.


Analise gets up slowly and rushes at Sans with all her anger. Her knife touches Sans slightly on his jacket and puts a hole in it. Analise collapses to the floor crying, her arm was badly injured.

"oh, what a shame, i got a hole in my favorite jacket," sans says.

Analise starts to laugh crazily. She starts to cough out blood from laughing but she laughed until she couldn't breathe. She raised her hand slowly into the air and snapped her fingers.


Frisk comes out of the shadows holding a blue knife and smiling like a psychopath. Her left eye was blue and her right was purple. She had purple and blue roses laced in her hair. Instead of her regular sweater, she wore a dress exactly like Analise's, but it was blue with purple lace. She had a collar on that had a tag that said "Frisk". Frisk let a little giggle escape from her lips. Sans stared at Frisk with disbelief. Analise walked over to Frisk and patted her on the head.

"Go avenge mommy for me, pet," Analise beckoned.

"Anything for you mommy," Frisk says sweetly.

Frisk rushed at Sans laughing like Juzo from "Tokyo Ghoul". Sans dodged her attack just in time. Sans didn't attack Frisk at all, he just dodged all her attacks. He couldn't harm her, no matter the cost. Frisk slashed at Sans ripping his hoodie. Blood started to pour slightly from his wound.

"Come dance with me lover boy. Let's make this the fight to the end," Frisk laughs.

"f-frisk i'm not going to hurt you. i won't ever harm you, that's what i promised. no matter what happens i'll never kill you even if i die," sans says.

Frisk rushes at Sans. She trips over a bone lying around. She falls right into Sans's arms and her knife clattered onto the floor. Sans wrapped his arms around her tightly. Frisk's eyes were wide open as she was hugged by Sans. She squirmed a little bit but Sans just pulled her closer. Frisk started to return slowly as she wrapped her arms around Sans. Analise started to cry as her plan failed. Frisk's memories were returning to her.

"Why do you despise mommy Frisk? I thought you loved me?" Analise asks.

Frisk turns towards Analise and looks at her cringing.

"Please don't hurt me mommy. I never will despise you," Frisk begs.

"Good girl, now come to mommy," Analise beckons.

Frisk looked at Sans with a hurt look in her eyes. She mouthed "I love you" to Sans then walked towards Analise. Analise had her arms open and Frisk walked into them. Analise ran her fingers through Frisk's hair and Sans looked at Frisk hurt inside. Frisk hugged her "mommy" tightly and it hurt Frisk to leave Sans. Analise looked at Sans and smirked wickedly. She finally won Frisk's heart and could control her.

"Let's go home pet, you get a treat for behaving," Analise awards.

The girls vanished leaving behind the scent of roses.   

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