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"y-you can what?"

"I remember Analise and Chara. I also remember killing myself,"

"... frisk..." sans says.

"It's ok, everything's ok now. But I'm tired of the timelines that I'm always stuck in,"

Sans tells paps he'll be right back, and teleports himself and Frisk to the view of the castle. Frisk sits down on the cold floor and closes her eyes as the breeze blows in her face. Sans thinks Shes so cute~.

"I'm sorry for resetting Sans, I shouldn't have come back at all. I keep on creating timelines that will soon crush the Undertale world, I'm sorry," Frisk mumbles, starting to tear up.

"frisk...... its not your fault, you're just trying to do whats right. you do whats right because you love everyone in the underground" sans reassures.

Frisk looks up at Sans and smiles gently. Sans sits next to Frisk and grabs her hand. Frisk rests her head on Sans's shoulder.

"You're always right Sans. If only timelines lasted forever,"

"i hope that this one will last forever. i promise ill make it last as long as possible,"

Frisk holds onto Sans's hand tighter, hoping this moment would last forever. Sans feels Frisk shiver, so he takes off his jacket and wraps it around Frisk. She cuddles with Sans as soon as she feels the warmth of his jacket.

"Why do I always screw up Sans?" Frisk asks.

"thats easy, you never do. you think you do, but you really dont frisk. whatever you do gives the underground determination. you're the greatest human that has fallen down here,"

Frisk blushes at the complement. She hugs Sans tightly while a cold gush of wind breezes through the underground.

"if you never come back, i will literally kill myself for you,"

Frisk cringes at the statement, and breaks out of the hug.

¨Sans, if you do that.... You won't be able to respawn,¨

"without you, im up for the frisk,"

Frisk stares at the castle in the distance. She was lost in thought. Frisk started to cringe remembering her life above ground.

Frisk's mother left Frisk with her father and brother. She went to find money for herself and left the family so she could live happily. Frisk's father abused Frisk for making his life miserable. He thought Frisk was the reason why she left. He would slap or kick Frisk everyday, then after her punishment she would be put in the basement.

One day Frisk's father told her to go and kill herself in the woods, if she ever came back he would kill her himself. Frisk yelled at her father than slammed the door while walking out of the house. Frisk's brother ran after her and consoled her. He told her he was sorry. He didn't know that mom left for money. They sat in the grass field at the edge of the woods and talked for a while.

After a while, Frisk told her brother she had to leave. She got up and started to walk away. But her brother tugged at her sleeve and told her he was coming with her. Frisk turned away from her brother and used her free hand to free herself from his grasp. She started to run towards a mountain in the woods. That's when she entered the Underground.

Frisk turned her attention to Sans. He was lying in the grass staring at the stars. Frisk layed down beside him. Sans puts his arm around Frisk and gently pulls her closer. Frisk cuddles with Sans's jacket; it was keeping her warm.

¨I don't know what to do with my life. Maybe I should leave the Underground and return to my brother. I'm still unsure about what I should do," Frisk states.

"you have a brother?" sans asks in a calming voice.

¨I told you earlier. But yeah my brother was the only one who appreciated me in the end,"

"well, i guess i forgot then,"

Frisk laughs a little thinking about a memory. She grasps Sans's hand a little tighter.

"hey kid, do you want to go to grillby's?" sans asks.

"Please, I am starving!" Frisk exclaims.

Frisk stands up and brushes the dirt off her pants. She reaches out her hand to help Sans up. He grabs her hand and tries to stand him up. Frisk pulls him up too quickly and Sans falls on top of her. Frisk starts to blush as she stares into Sans's eyes. She puts her arms around Sans's neck. Sans was staring at her with wide eyes. At that moment Frisk pulls Sans into a kiss. Sans pulls away looking a little flushed. 

Sans gets up still flushed and grabs Frisk's hand. He helps her up and Frisk looked a little embarrassed. Sans tugs at her sleeve to get her attention.

"you ready to go?" sans asks patiently.

"Mhm, Sorry about that.... I kind of forgot that this is a different timeline,"

"it's fine frisk, i kind of saw it coming,"

Frisk sheepishly smiles at Sans. Sans grabs Frisk's hand. In one blink of an eye were in front of Grillby's.

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