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Noah was sitting on the couch fumbling with his phone. He was trying to text Frisk but she wasn't answering. He then heard the front door and sighed. Skye was probably home from work. He looked in the door's direction and gasped. Frisk was standing with Skye and Asriel if he remembered correctly. He remembers Frisk describing him in one of her text's.

"Frisk, is that you?" Noah asks.

"Mhm, It's me, I came back from the Underground."
Noah ran over to Frisk and hugged her tightly. Frisk hugged him back gently. They broke apart and Frisk went to her room with Asriel. Frisk mentioned that Noah was the intelligent human she knew, so he could probably revive Sans. Eagerly Frisk ran downstairs and explained to Noah she needed him to do a experiment. Noah agreed, but he needed more than half of the dust. Frisk scooped up some and handed it to Noah. He then walked inside the basement to work on his new project. Asriel walked down with him to help out.

Frisk ran back out the door to look through the village. She ran past tons of villagers that looked at her weirdly. But Frisk was determined to go to the blossom tree in town. The village cottages looked a little more colorful than usual with golden buttercups everywhere. She finally reached the tree and collapsed in the dark green grass surrounding it. She sat there for hours, breathing in fresh air. Frisk dozes off with a soft breeze whistling a song.

Noah was trying his best to revive the monster. It was working but slowly, it will probably be a year until he would fully revive. Noah removed his gloves and goggles and went upstairs. He plopped on the couch and turned on the TV. He sighed knowing he couldn't do more to help the monster. A couple minutes later Frisk ran into the house and sat on the couch with Noah.

"So... were you able to revive him?" Frisk asks curiously.

"We can but it will take awhile."
"How long?"

"A year, sorry Frisk." Noah sighs.

Frisk expression drops and her heart breaks. But her face immediately changes back to cheery.

"It's fine Noah, you tried your best." Frisk smiles.

Frisk hugs Noah tightly then heads up to her room.

Sorry if this chapters really short. 

My One and Only (Book 1 Maybe?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora