Analise's Determination

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That night with Chara and Analise.

"ANA! I missed you so much!" Chara said. She's not in the killing mood ; she was eating a chocolate bar.

"I missed you too, you took control of Frisk to much," Analise says.

"I just really wanted you back, and here you are!" Chara cheers.

"You know if they get Frisk's body back you go back to her soul. But I don't since I'm separated from her now,"

"CRAP i forgot," Chara says.

"I'll protect you, even if it costs my life,"

" Thanks Ana, but these monsters are bad,,, you could say... To the BONE," Chara jokes.

Analise pins Chara to the floor.

"I swear if you make another pun I'm gonna kill you Chara,"

" Ok, Ok...... I was just measuring your patience," Chara said smiling, pulling out a ruler.

Analise laughs a little bit at the pun. She stands up and brushes off her shirt. They continue to chat and catch each other up. Analise and Chara get off the couch as they heard a noise coming from outside. They heard soft voices coming outside. A knife materialized in Chara's hand and her eyes glowed red. Analise's eyes glowed emerald green and a green fireball appeared in her palm. They both walked outside slowly in the snow.

"I told you I knew where they were," Asriel whispers to Sans and Undyne.

Sans blushes when he looks at Analise. Asriel looks at Sans and gags. Undyne looks at Analise with anger.

"Hey, loverboy stay on track. You love Frisk, not her," Asriel whispers.

¨I CAN HEAR YOU .... ASRIEL¨ Chara says a few feet away from thE trio.

Analise looked more flawless than before with her eyes glowing green. Sans glowing blue soul thumps in his chest. She was wearing a strapless black T-shirt and black short-shorts. Chara saw Sans staring at Analise and anger burned inside of her. Undyne sees Analise for the first time up close. Sans was right about her she was flawless.

¨ ~Oh Sans! Wanna Dance?" AnaIise asks playing around just to tick Chara off.


Sans is almost lovesick when he hears Analise say that, now head over heels for her. She can basically control him with their "Love". As everyone is distracted Asriel wraps Chara with his roots and pulls her underground. Asriel pops into the ground to take her to Alphys in her lab. Analise cries softly as her lover is being dragged away by a flower, but she had to take care of Sans first. Sans lovingly laughs at the question from Analise. Undyne is now ticked off that Analise is controlling Sans and Frisk is suffering because of her.

"heh... sure thing miss" sans replies with his hand out for her.

His pupils are slightly green from Analise. This was her special attack.

"WHY YOU LITTLE-" Undyne yells, rushing at Analise.

"Sans, I've always liked you, sometimes more than Chara," Ana replies, dodging Undyne's attack

"I'm gonna destroy you, you brat!" Undyne says, cringing on the floor.

"UNDYNE ENOUGH" Sans yells, grabing Undyne's monster soul and throwing her about a yard away.

"What about Frisk, she's depending on you to save her,"

"Dont you get it by now Undyne? this is Frisk,"

"Kill her for me Sansy. She's trying to get in the way of our love," Analise says smiling.

"Sure thing Ana" sans says with his now one green glowing left eye.

"Sans if you kill me I can't respawn like Frisk. Neither can you so please don't do this,"

"Kill her Sans, she dosn't deserve to live," Analise reassures.

Sans is holding a green fireball Analise has given him to kill Undyne. Sans throws the fireball taking ¼ of Undyne's health.

"SANS STOP!" Undyne cringes.

In the distance Papyrus and Alphys run towards them. Papyrus had a figure on his back. Sans makes a bone wall surrounding him and Analise. The bones expand, pushing them back 5 yards. The figure was Frisk on Papyrus's back. Alphys successfully revived Frisk into Chara. Frisk climbed off Papyrus's back. Papyrus felt relieved as Frisk got off of his back.

"SANS!! STOP THIS!" Frisk shouts.

Sans starts to get back to normal hearing the voice of Frisk. Analise sees this, pulls Sans closer to her by his sweater, and kisses him. Analise has a lump in her throat because she failed to protect Chara. While they kiss, the bones go down giving Frisk and the others a perfect view of the scene. Frisk stares in shock with tears streaming down her face.

"A-a ana..." sans says.

Analise runs up to Frisk and whispers in her ear. Frisk's face goes blank. She lost all emotions. Analise was reciting a chant to revive Chara again. Frisk screams as her brain is being crushed by Analise's words. She collapses on the floor with tears streaming down her face as she screams.

"Frisk?" sans's mind has almost gone bonkers after Analise's green spell.

"HELP!" Frisk screams.

Sans is trying to move, but a green essence was holding him back. Frisk was flashing between Chara and herself. Pain ran through Chara and Frisk as their screams and laughing merged. It was definite it was being heard all across Snowdin. Analise's laughs were being drowned in with the other noises. Her pupils were smaller, as she held her stomach. She was swaying back and forth with laughter.

"i... i cant move..." sans says.

Analise walks towards Sans.

"This is where love gets you Sans. PAIN, SUFFERING, AND HEARTBREAK. You and the selfish monsters here took Chara away from me. You all just want Frisk, but nobody has ever thought about my feelings. Now as soon as Chara comes out, I'm gonna crush Frisk's weak little soul,"

"if you think thats how love is, you really think that will happen with you and CHARA?" sans replies

Analise stares at Sans disgusted as he thinks that Chara would abandon her.

"She would never do that to me. She loves me and I love her,"

"I heard PAIN-" sans pulls a bone into her chest, with no escape,

" SUFFERING-" sans pulls the bone more into her, causing her to

continuously bleed,

" And , HEARTBREAK-" sans watches her soul jump out and break as if she was a boss monster.

Analise laughs on the floor. She knew this was also harming Frisk because they were one. Chara watches the whole scene, and through Frisk, saw Sans and Analise kiss.

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