The Note

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Frisk pulled the blankets over her and started to shiver a little bit. Sans left the room and went to his bedroom. Analise and Chara opened Frisk's window and climbed in.

Analise used her magic to get them out of the cage. Chara tiptoed in Frisk's direction. Her eyes glowed red as she tranquilized Frisk. Frisk eyes opened for a split second and then they closed as she went into a deep sleep. Chara put Frisk over her shoulder. They went out the window and headed towards the secret cave by the Waterfall. Chara put Frisk down in the corner. Analise snapped her fingers and a blanket wrapped around Frisk.

"In about an hour will have total control over Frisk. She will also lose her memories," Analise smirked.


Sans wakes up and shuffles towards Frisk's room. He cracks the door a tiny bit to check on her. He doesn't see her and rushes into the room and starts to freak out. Sans finds a trace of Analise on Frisk's bed. A black rose was sitting next to a folded up note. Sans picks up the note and reads it.

"We have Frisk, if you want to see her again meet us at the Judgment Hall tomorrow afternoon. If you don't show up Frisk will become our little pet. Then we'll release her on the underground and she'll kill every last of the likes of you. Until then may your mind dance the thought of your little Frisk,"

Tata Sansy,

Analise and Chara

Sans ran into his room and put on his blue hoodie. He sat on his bed and wrapped himself tightly with his jacket. Hot tears started to roll down his cheeks. He cursed under his breath and fumbled with his fingers while the tears kept flowing.

"calm down sans, pull yourself together," sans tells himself.

Sans pulls out his phone and scrolls through his contacts. He taps on the one that says "Alphys". Sans quickly starts to type.

"hey alphs, can you watch paps for awhile. it's not safe at home and i don't want him to get hurt. if so thanks i appreciate it and if not just bring him to tori's place,"

He presses the send button and waits for a response. A couple seconds later Sans phone dings letting him know he has a message.

"Of course Papyrus can stay anytime. Undyne said she'll even give him some extra training. Anyways whats going on over there? Is everything ok? Are you and Frisk safe?"

"frisk is in danger. i don't want paps to be here and get hurt. so he needs to stay over there. we'll be fine, i hope, i'll call you if anything goes wrong. thanks alphs for taking care of paps for me,"

"Anytime Sans. Be careful out there."

Sans turns off his phone and curls up in his bed, trying to drift off to sleep. After thirty minutes of trying, Sans gets up and walks downstairs to the couch. He plops down on the couch and grabs the remote. He clicks the red button and the T.V. flashes on. Sans scrolls through the channels. He lands on Frisk's favorite channel and Steven Universe was replaying the show schedule for the day. Burning tears pour down his cheeks and his cheeks flush to a dark blue. His cheeks feel like they are on fire and the burning anger for Analise and Chara raised. Thoughts of Frisk ran through his mind and he calmed down. He sniffled and went back to scrolling through the channels. He clicked on Anime.TV and started to watch "Tokyo Ghoul". Unraveled plays as he thinks of Frisk. 

My One and Only (Book 1 Maybe?)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora