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Frisk holds her hand up and a silver knife appears in her hand. Sans looks at Frisk shocked to see she has a knife. Frisk gets up ready to battle. Chara and Analise smile. Analise snaps her fingers and they were teleported by the Waterfall. Sans also teleported just in case any of them got hurt.

"I haven't battled in a long time. This should be fun," Frisk says stretching.

"be carefull girls. Its Chara and Analise against Frisk." Sans declares watching them from a high lifegaurd-like , chair of bones.

Chara and Analise charge at Frisk. Frisk jumps backwards a little and dodges their attacks. Frisk slashes at both of them and they lose ¼ of their health with herself loosing ⅛ of hers. Sans was surprised that Frisk was stronger than she looked. Sans realized that since they were connected, Frisk gained some of their "LOVE". Her eyes were a little more red, but she showed no expression on her face like Chara and Analise.

Analise threw eight fireballs at Frisk. Frisk did a backflip then slashed at her. With them still

connected, Frisk gained some of their abilities. She made a small fireball that exploded on impact. Frisk smirked a little as she defeated her opponents. Sans heals them all so Frisk wouldn't be killed.

"It was fun while it lasted," Frisk whined.


They teleport back to the house. Frisk put both of them in a cage until they figured out what to do with them. Frisk snaps her fingers and the girls disappear to the basement at Sans's and Papyrus's house. Undyne, Alphys, and Papyrus walk into the room.

"Well I think we better get going so see ya later," Frisk says

"But it's like 8 P.M., you guys can stay the night," Alphys offers.

"I think we're good. we'll come back later to hang out this weekend," sans reassures.


"sure paps you can stay if it's ok with Undyne and Alphys," sans replies

"It's fine with us Papyrus can stay tonight," Undyne says.

Sans and Frisk walk out of Undyne's house. Frisk grabs Sans's hand and they walk back to Snowdin. Frisk snaps her fingers and a coat wraps around her as they enter the bright snow. Sans tightens his grip around Frisk's hand as they approach the house, freezing cold.

They enter the house and Sans turns on the heater. Frisk sits on the couch and wraps a blanket around herself. She grabs the remote and puts on Steven Universe. Sans plops on the couch right next to Frisk and puts an arm around her, pulling her closer. Frisk puts the blanket around both of them as the theme song plays. Frisk sings along happily with Determination.

"you really love this show. Normally you wake up extra early to watch it,"

"That's true, Alphys introduced the show to me. After the first episode, I fell in love with the show,"

The episode lasted twenty minutes. Frisk hummed "Love Like You" that played at the end of the episode. The screen changed to commercials and more Steven Universe was up next. Sans felt a pair of eyes watching him. He looks at Frisk to see she was watching him. Sans became a little uncomfortable with her watching him. So he got up and went to the kitchen to get some ketchup. Frisk looked away from Sans and glued her eyes to the TV.

"Sans, do you wanna watch Gravity Falls?" Frisk asks from the couch.

"sure kid,"

He walks over to the couch and sits on the other end away from Frisk. He didn't know if she wanted to sit next to him. But Frisk moved closer to him. Sans blushes a lil and watches the show. The show ends and Frisk is dead asleep. Sans walks over and kisses her forehead, and carries her to bed.

" i... i love you Frisk" sans whispers.

Little did he know that Analise and Chara were watching them creepily through the window.   

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