Room 32

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Tristin was so kind we drove to the nearest store cause I guessed that would be the store Griffin would go to. But once we pulled into the parking lot all I saw was police cars and an ambulance that was pulling out of the parking lot.

Now I was panicking I still have no clue where Griffin is.

"I'm gonna go check in the store." I said to Tristin as I got out of the car.

"Alright I'm gonna wait right here."

I then ran into the store as I sprinted around the store probably looking like a crazy person as I looked for Finn. I had looked up and down every aisle twice. I then just decided to ask one of the workers if they had seen him. I described him as best as I could.

"We haven't really been paying attention who's been coming In and out of the store this guy just pulled a gun out on this other guy and shot him."

Oh my god that must have been why all the cop cars and the ambulance was here.

"Oh my god is the guy who got shot ok?"

"I don't think so." Was all the worker said then he said he had to go.

I couldn't deny the thought that kept running through my mind what if the guy who got shot was Finn. But who would have shot him? All I know is I needed to get to the hospital to see who got shot.

I walked out of the store and went back to Tristins car.

"Do you mind giving me a ride to the hospital? I'm probably so annoying I'm really sorry I'm just really worried about my friend."

"Yeah sure is your friend ok?" He said as he started the car up.

"I don't know all I know is someone got shot and I need to know who it is."


"Thank you so much your a life saver Tristin." I said as I got out of the car.

"No problem hope your friend is ok." He said.

"Thanks." I said as I then shut the car door.

I hurried into the hospital. I then ran straight up to the lady who was I think checking people In.

"Hi do you know If a Griffin Wilmer came here recently?"

"Oh yes they just came in he's in that hall room 32." The lady said as she pointed to the hall.

"Thank you."

I then ran I ran down that hall as fast as I could. I can't believe it Griffin was the one who got shot. There is no way he is gone. I know he can't be dead he survived getting hit with a car he can survive this. I was overly concerned now. What if he was gone I can't deal with losing another friend. Losing Shannon was the worst day of my life. We still don't even know who hit her with there car. I miss her every day. I can't I just can't loose Griffin to.

I then opened the door that said room 32 on it. But I was so confused there was nobody in here. Did the lady get the room number wrong? There were surgical tools out and bloody gloves on the table.

"Oh hello there." A male doctor behind me said as I jumped cause he scared me.

"Um hi where's Griffin Wilmer?" I asked nervously.

The look on his face was the look that shattered my heart. The same look was on my mom's face when she told me Shannon died.

That look pretty much said his answer. I pushed my way past him. I heard him say "I'm sorry." From behind me as I left that room. Room 32.

I didn't know the emotion I was feeling. I think it was more pure anger then sadness. I was still drunk as hell. I couldn't even process what was happening. Who the hell shot Griffin. Wait Griffin Wilmer my best friend since elementary school the guy who always stood by my side. The guy I told all my secrets to. The guy who always made me laugh. The guy who I just kissed. The guy who I was in love with.

The guy who is now dead.

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