Chapter 04| Morning Visitor

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Four Months Later


I woke up to a wave of nausea washes over me, interrupting my sleep. I wince slightly as the morning sun hits my face, and before I had a chance to blink, I could feel the bile rising in my throat. I had quickly sprinted to the bathroom and fell onto my knees in front of the toilet, gagging as I try to hold my hair out of my face. It's has been three months since I have been pregnant.

"Anna!" I can hear my best friend Michelle shouted my name through the house. I was finally done with the vomiting, I have been feeling sick lately since I had the donor insemination, and that was sixteen weeks ago.

"Oh, there you are!" She sighs as she walked behind me.

"Morning sickness, again." She grabbed a towel and wiped my mouth.

"Yeah." I slightly smile.

"How is our little pean-" Michelle paused when she heard a knock on my door, she looks at me, and I had to look back at her.


"I will be right behind you," I said to her as I quickly brush my teeth, taking away the nasty taste out of my mouth.

I walked towards the door. "Who is it?" I shout from the peephole.

"I am Daniel, and this is my sister Isabelle and Seth. Are you Anna Johnson?" A man with blue eyes asked me. Why does he want Anna for?

I quickly open the door; damn he was even sexier through the peephole. "How may I help you?" I asked him.

"Anna?" The guy walked inside the house.

"How do you know me?" Anna looked at him with widened eyes. They knew each other.


"Why did it take us freaking four months just to find this woman?" I question Seth as we all were in front of her building.

"You know it was hard to find her?" Seth said to me.

"Well, you guys just come on, I do have to pick up my daughter soon?" Isabelle said to us. I clear my throat as I walked up inside her building, and now I was in front of her door.

I can hear a woman walking towards the door. "Who is it?" She shouts from the peephole.

"I am Daniel, and this is my sister Isabelle and Seth. Are you Anna Johnson?" I said to her.

She quickly opens the door and looked at me. " No, but How may I help you?" She smiles at me.

My eye caught; a brunette-haired woman walks behind her. I noticed her bump as I stared. That must be her, Anna. She was still gorgeous from the first moment I met her at the club.

"Anna?" I said with wide eyes as I moved passed her friend as I walked into the house.

"How do you know me?" Anna looked at me with widened eyes.

There was a long silence, as I began to open my mouth before I was rudely interrupted by my best friend.

"Are you going to keep my best friend's baby." Seth burst out.

" Of course, I am keeping my baby." She placed her hand on her stomach.

"Then I have no choice but for you to get an abortion," I stated. I quickly pulled out my check, ready to give it to her. I couldn't raise my business while a woman out there is pregnant with my kid.

"Get the fuck out of my house." She screams as tears ran down her face.

"Anna, look, I can't risk my billionaire dollar company while you are over here taking care of my child." I looked at her. I know she is hurt that I told her that, but I needed her to get rid of the baby.

"Who said you were going to risk your billion company; I don't want anything to do with you or your fucking money. You can keep that because I refused to get an abortion." She shook her head as she walked to open the door for us.

"With that saying, I need you to leave and never come back." She coldly said to me with stain tears.

"Just think about it," I said to her before walking out of their small apartment.

"I don't get anything to think about. Go ahead and run back to your billion-dollar business." She said to me before closing the door in my face.

"Daniel. Why would you tell a soon to be a mother to have an abortion? Can you be any stupider? I understand that she is pregnant with your child but forcing her to get an abortion is fucked up for you even to say. I am so disappointed in you." My sister shook her head before walking into the parking lot.

What have I done?

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