Chapter 27| Family

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It has been a long time since I saw my parents. After everything has happened, I just need to see them. I missed them; I tear up in my bed.  Daniel walked inside the room without knocking like usually, "Why are you crying?" he said came to me as he wiped my eyes away. I tried to speak, but I just couldn't. I just let out tears.

"I know things have been rough with everything that happens between us; I just want you to be happy and healthy." Daniel smoothly my back.   "And this is why I have a surprise."

I look at him, a confused expression on my face, as I sniffed.  My Mother and Father had walked inside the room with smiles on their face. "Mo-, " I just burst into tears as they hugged me.

"I know you wanted to see them because you wouldn't travel due to your pregnancy." Daniel smiles as he stopped and coughed into his hand and walks out of the room.

"I missed you so much; I'm sorry what happened to Alex. I know you and him were very close." My mother cried as she looks at me, holding my hand. I nodded.

If my mother only knew the truth about Alex.

"Thank you" I wiped my mother's tears away. I watch my father sat down on the chair, and smiles. "God has done some amazing things, not too long ago, you were in the hospital due to a tampon now my little girl is about to marry a millionaire and having our grandkids."

I just nodded, thanks to David for leaving me I wouldn't have become the woman I am today.


I had pulled up, to my cousin's mansion. It was bigger than the last one. I had turned the engine off with my right hand, as I was greeted with his maids.

"Welcomed David, he is in the kitchen." One of them had announced to me as I nodded and enter the home. It was very decorated, and neat like my cousin has always been. I walked towards the kitchen, passing the living room area, as I seen Michelle in the kitchen with Seth.

"Hey Davy!," Daniel had greeted me with a hug as Seth had dab me.

"So, I see you are doing well." I smiles as I had lean on the counter.

"Yeah, I am doing good, I will like you to meet my fiancé and the mother of my kids she should be coming down in a few after talking to her parents." He coughed.

"Are you okay?" We both questioned him as he nodded and went to wash his hands.

"I am, just been feeling unwell, thanks for asking." He smiles.

Daniel always had that stupid smile of his since we were kids.

"Welcome to the family, Seth." I had cut the silent between us.

"Thank you, man." He nodded as he had gone into the living room.

"Why have you been keeping you family, a secret from me, Bro?" I question him.

"You know I have always been private." He laughs.


"Well, I am going to let you guys, unpacked." I told my parents as my father helped me off of the bed.

"Okay, sweetheart." He kissed me as I had opened the door and carefully walked downstairs into the kitchen as I heard a familiar voice.

It was David voiced, what was he doing here.

"And here, is my beautiful fiancé as we speak." Daniel came to me as David eyes widened up.

"Daniel, what is he doing here?" I whispered in Daniel ears as he guided me to the kitchen table to sit down.

"He is my cousin, I told you about." He smiles.

"Is this a joke, where are the cameras?" I turned my head, looking around. David and Daniel just laughed at me.

"No, this isn't a joke, sweetheart." He walks up to me and smooth my hair.

"Do you remember that guy, who I told you about who left me because I wouldn't get pregnant." I burst as I stare at them.

"Yeah, I do."

"Well, that's your dear cousin of yours standing next by you." I say angry.

Daniel turns his head and look at David. "That was the woman you told me about, Anna!" He punches him in the face, making David teeth bleed.

"Excuse me." He walked out of the kitchen.

"I am sorry, I didn't know you use to date my cousin." Daniel says to me.

"And I didn't know you and him was related but thank you for that." I kissed him on the lips.



"You deserved it; I wish I had done it a long time ago." Anna walked behind me.

"Anna, I didn't know you were his fiancé and I want to apologize for the way I was acting towards you in the past now you finally get your wish in becoming a mother." I look at her bump.

"Yeah, whatever, I don't buy it one bit." She rolled her eyes, Anna was always fierce and that what I had loved about her, but now she is going to marry my cousin.

"I missed the old Anna." I chuckled

"And she doesn't miss you." She walks away, when Daniel stood behind her, looking pale.

"Bro, are you okay?" I asked Daniel walking up to him, his eyes rolled back to his head, as he almost fell onto the ground, but I had catch him.

"What is wrong, with him?" Anna cries.

"I don't know, but we have to find out and fast."

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