Chapter 25| Funeral

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"I can't believe he is gone," I said as Anna was fixing my black tie.

"We are going to get through this." She hugs me as I grieved over my father. I wanted to believe her but how could I? When I found out my mother killed my father.  I looked at Anna through the mirror behind us as she was wearing a long black dress looking so beautiful as ever.

"I love you, baby." She kissed me on the cheek as we continue to hug each other. That's when we heard a knock on the door, I knew that was Seth and his girl. I broke the hug, to quickly fixed my clothes.

"Come in!" I shout still making sure my clothes were fine.

"Hey, Daniel! How are you guys?" They both said to us as they walked into the room.

"We are fine." Anna lied rubbing her stomach.

"Everyone is downstairs waiting on you," Seth said to me.

"Okay." I sadly said to him as we walked downstairs.  The living room was full of sadness and unknown people and family as their grieving over my father.

We entered the room when I saw my mother dressed in an orange jumpsuit surrounding my four officers. I looked at Anna and she looked at me back. I wanted to know why she did it. I watched as the others sit in front. I walked towards my mother.   "Oh honey!" My Mother began to sob.

"Why did you did it? He was your husband, Seth and I father. Why did you kill him."? I can hear my voice cracked as I yelled in frustration with tears running down my eyes.

"Daniel, Stop!" I heard Anna voice behind me, but I didn't care.

"Why?" I said to my mother again, hoping she can answer me without crying.

"Didn't you love our father?" I question her.

"This is our father funeral, Dan stops making a scene people are looking," Seth said to me.

"You were right about your father; he didn't love me. He only loves me because I was pregnant with Daniel and only seen me as a beautiful blonde chick. I didn't know he was married and had a kid until he put a ring on my finger. When we got married your father became an alcoholic and our relationship had become a very abusive one. I was actually glad I killed the son of the bitch anyway." My Mother laughs evilly as I stared at her with tears in my eyes.

"Take her away, before I have to kill her," I demanded the officers as they did as they were told.

"Daniel? Are you okay?" Anna said to me walking in front of me with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am perfect." I lie as I kissed her on the cheeks as I turned back towards the funeral.


The funeral was beautiful as we all said our goodbyes to my father. I will always love my father and he will be missed but I can't forgive my mother ever, I still can't believe that bulletin didn't even kill her, I know it is wrong to say this, but I wish it was her and not my father.

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