Chapter 30| Fight to Live

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I sighed as I lay my head onto the hospital's bed. I was so tired of being in this damn room, now I know how's other people feels being struck in a hospital. I looked up to see a beautiful red haired, walks inside my room with Anna. 

"Hello, you must be Mr. Williams, I've heard some much about you." She smiles as she stood in front of my bed.  She was gorgeous, I shook my head as I sat up and nodded. My body was still weakened but I feel like I am getting better. Anna sat down on the edge of the bed and faced her.

"I'll be your doctor, you can call me, Dr. Alice Parker. I will be the one, who will be treating you." Her voice was so smooth and pretty, I could listen to her for years.

"You'll be on Ciprofloxacin, it is a very strong pill it is like an antibiotic, but it will be killing all of the infections that is inside your organs. I will be presiding you with ciprofloxacin for 7 days then you will need to be on need oxygen and IV intravenous fluids to help get blood flow and oxygen to the organs. Other than that, you will be released from the hospital, everything is set up at your home, and I will be checking on you every day." She smiles as she gives my fiancée her card.

"One more thing, you will be in house bound until I've cleared you." She says to us before walking out of the room.

"Are you ready to go?" Anna smiles happily as she turns towards me.

I took off my oxygen mask, to speak. "Yes."


It's been One Full Month, since we have changed doctors, was hard but it was worth it. Anna was beginning to show more, she was bigger than ever, she was finally 36 weeks pregnant and gorgeous as ever.

I laid in the hospital bed, looking at my beautiful Anna as she was reading to our unborn babies. I couldn't be even happier than what I have been through. I just smiles, as I heard a doctor at the door.  "You may come in." I say as the door opened it was Doctor Maria walked inside of my room with a smile on her face.

"Hello, Daniel. How are you feeling?" She asked as she walks towards my IV and machines, to make sure everything was still good. I smiled, "Like a newborn baby." I chuckled as I see Anna did the same.

"I'm glad, I've your results and your body are completely healed and cleaned from the infection. I do not know who your doctor was before you came to me, but I am glad you had come if you didn't you could have not made it this far." She smiles as she goes through a folder that had my name on it.

"No, thank you Maria." I softly smile.

"Does it mean, he gets to come home." Anna carefully stood up as she looks at her.

"Yes, but he will still be taking his medication and staying in health." Maria says to us.

"But as for you, Anna it is almost time for your birth, I need you to take it easy, also or those beautiful twins of yours will be born early before your due date."

We nodded.

I get to go home with Anna, I get to go home in my bed.


"Seth, you can't keep on doing this, you need to see your brother." I stated as I rubbed my pregnant stomach. 

"I need to be there for them, Anna is due any minute now and I believed your brother is doing good. He's in recovery." I say to Seth has he had glued his eyes to the TVs.

"He doesn't want nothing to do with me, I tried to kill him by putting him in a coma, what kind of brother am I?"

"A brother who cares." I heard a familiar voiced when I saw Anna and Daniel standing by the door frame.

Seth turns his head, in shocked.

"Daniel." His voiced cracked.

Daniel and Seth walked up to each other and hugged each other. I smile at Anna, as did the same.


I stood there as I started to feel pain radiating through my lower back. I hold my stomach. Hopefully, the pain will end, but it didn't.  I feel a tenderness coming down my legs; the drip of the fluids coming from my body had fallen onto the wooden floor; my eyes wandered as it grew in terror as the liquid was blood. I screamed as tears flowed down my face, as My hands fell between my legs, as blood had met my bare hands.

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