Chapter 23| The Parents

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"We just can't let this happened, he is our son and that is our grandkids." I winced to my husband.

He sighed.

"I am working on it, Kim." He says to me.

"No, this is your fault. I knew I should've done the same thing; I did to your little lover. You took our son away from us, now our grandkids." I shout, his eyes stared at me as he quickly ran towards me and grab my throat pushing me against the wall.

"What did you do?!," He shouts in my face.

"I am the reason, why she got cancer. I did it for us, I did it for Daniel." I smile.

"Y-You made her sick." His voice cracked as he let go out me and shook his head.

I grabbed the lamp and said, "I am sorry, my love but nobody is not going to take me away from my baby boy neither from my grandchildren." I laughs madly as I started repeatedly ending him until his body was move less on the ground as his blood fills our bedroom floor.

Next Stop, to see my family.

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