Chapter One

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There was a quiet breeze in WindClan's camp as the sun began to rise brilliantly, creating a ray of sunshine that leaked through the hole in the den. The warm light soothed the two bundles below it, making them spread their legs and stretch as they felt the heat. Though their mother was near, she was not nearly enough, for icy leaf-fall air was making them cold.

Only a few moments later did the small grey and white she-kit wake, excitement flooding her dark blue eyes. She quickly looked around the den, finding it just the way she left it when she went to sleep the night before. Bare and lifeless aside from her pale grey brother and her light silver mother.

Yet, even though it was the same, it was different. Demonkit just couldn't explain the feeling of eagerness she had—it was as if everything felt so strange today because it was a special day. The first time she would be able to search camp, and explore the wonders it held.

With a happy glint in her eye, Demonkit sat up and nudged her brother, trying to get him to wake up. He groaned and flipped to his other side, ignoring his pest of a sister. With a small giggle, Demonkit nudged again, knowing that he would wake if she was constant. This time, his pale green eyes opened, revealing an expression of tiredness.

"Why are we up so early?" complained the pale grey tom, sitting up as Demonkit shook with excitement. "It's only dawn! Couldn't you have waited until sunhigh at least?" Demonkit giggled again, happy that Bravekit was finally awake. With him up, she could explore the camp!

"Aren't you excited about seeing camp?" asked Demonkit, her claws digging into the ground so that she wouldn't trip as she stood up. "After two moons of waiting, we're finally going to meet the other kits and mothers! Even the elders!" Bravekit seemed uninterested, like most of the time. It was as if he already knew what the camp looked like, and he was too tired to share her enthusiasm.

"Yeah, yeah," Bravekit murmured, arching his back as he yawned. "Let's go wake up mother before we go though. We'd scare her out of her fur if we were missing." Demonkit bobbed her head, knowing exactly what he meant. Ever since they'd opened their eyes, Robinwing had been worried about them, always with them unless she had to go get food.

The two kits walked over to their mother, who seemed to sleep soundly in the back of the den, whispering a name they couldn't hear. Quickly and slyly, Bravekit and Demonkit nudged their mother's shoulder, trying to wake her. Within moments, Robinwing's pale green eyes were open, and she was looking at her kits with a warm smile on her face.

It was obvious that Bravekit had inherited their mother's eyes, because they were both the same shade of green that reminded Demonkit of clover, yet it was cloudy. Not as if they were blind, but as if the colour had been smeared. It was fun to see the resemblance between Robinwing and Bravekit, since she shared no physical traits from her mother.

According to Robinwing, Demonkit looked exactly like their father, except with dark blue eyes that seemed to scare most of the queens and elders. That was why she and her brother were never allowed outside until now. At least, that's what Robinwing said. Demonkit accepted this because, well, when she showed them how good a kit she was, they wouldn't be scared of her at all.

"I see you are eager to see the rest of camp today." said Robinwing, giving herself a quick groom. Her soft silver fur didn't seem to need it though. Demonkit's mother always seemed clean, no matter where she'd been.

"I can't believe the day has finally come!" said Demonkit excitedly, jumping up and down as Robinwing continued smiling at her. "After two whole moons of waiting! I can't wait to visit the other kits, and finally get out of this boring den to see some new stuff!"

"Well then, we better get going before you trip over your own tail," said Robinwing, a bit of sadness in her voice. She was hiding it, that much Demonkit could tell, but the question that always came to her head was: why was Robinwing sad in the first place? Demonkit wanted that question answered more than anything, because it seemed that it was also the reason everyone was scared of her as well.

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