Chapter Eleven

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"You're it!" came Spiderkit's voice from behind Demonkit as a paw touched her shoulder. The long black she-cat quickly jumped out of the way from Demonkit's swipe before dashing away, watching as the tagged one ran after her. Demonkit wasn't very fast, so she found this entirely unfair; Spiderkit was older, too, with much longer legs and better control. However, she would play the game anyway.

Demonkit pushed herself, chasing after the quicker, older she-kit, her long black tail flicking just in front of her. She had to dodge and weave between cats along the way, careful not to trip anyone. Since a ceremony was about to take place, this became twice as hard, because no matter where they went, there were cats everywhere.

Demonkit ran faster and faster, her speed not quite matching Spiderkit's as the black she-kit followed the edge of camp, becoming sneaky. The white and grey kit looked forward, finding her brother in front of her, eyes wide as he stared up at their mother. She calculated where Spiderkit would be before smirking.

She forced herself just a stride faster, quickly jumped over Bravekit, who was standing near Robinwing as the ceremony was about to begin, and pounced right onto Spiderkit, who tumbled under Demonkit's weight. They rolled over, bumping right into Blackstar as she came out of her den.

Demonkit was laughing with joy as Spiderkit sat up, smiling as she was once again tagged. The white and grey kit sat up with fur that was now twice as dusty as before because of all the rolling they did. Demonkit wasn't one to worry about looks, though. She just wanted to have fun.

"Well it seems you've inherited you're father's intelligence," Blackstar growled, the iciness in her voice forcing both kits to look over to the leader, their smiles vanishing like dew in the afternoon sun. There was a look of disgust and utter hatred on the young leader's face. "And his rudeness as well, it seems." Demonkit tiled her head to the side, having no idea what Blackstar was talking about.

"Demonkit! Why'd you jump over me like that? You could have—"Bravekit walked over with Robinwing right behind him, his confused expression immediately gone when he spotted Blackstar behind his sister. "Oh. Hi, Blackstar." Out of respect, he dipped his head before meeting his sister's eyes again.

Blackstar glared at the pale grey kit before turning her amber eyes to Robinwing, who looked ashamed, but at the same time, stood her ground. The black leader narrowed her eyes and stood tall with importance and pride in her eyes, shoulders squared, eyes gleaming with impatience and annoyance.

"Keep your kit away from me," Blackstar hissed. "She's already inherited a certain amount of anger issues from her father, so try not to let me think Rainfur also passed down his stupidity and knack for getting in trouble. If she continues to do mouse-brained things like this, I might not even give her an apprentice name next moon." Robinwing's eyes narrowed, seemingly angry.

"That's not fair, Blackstar, she's only a kit, and so is her brother," Robinwing told the leader as calmly as she could. "I would think you're still fair after all these moons?" The black leader gave a cold look to the grey she-cat before walking forward, ignoring the question.

"Just don't let it happen again, or I will let Sharpmoon know," Blackstar muttered. After that, however, she stopped suddenly, turning around as if remembering something. "There's another thing I think I should mention. Sharpmoon's made his decision regarding your placement after the rats have gone off to ShadowClan." Blackstar smirked, as if amused. "He'd like to see you the day after in his quarters." With those words, Blackstar continued forward, her eyes glinting with dark pleasure. However, Demonkit still tilted her head. What was all that about?

Demonkit shrugged before padding away, her eyes focused on her two friends that stood nervously near the Highrock, their heads held high with pride as they awaited their ceremony.

Book 2 - Warriors: The Servant's PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora