Chapter Nineteen

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Demonpaw had decided that she didn't like her mentor anymore.

Snakestar had changed over the past half moon. Instead of training her, the ShadowClan leader had taken to giving Bravepaw advice on how to get rid of the nightmares. Right, because he couldn't just come to me, oh no. He wanted to tell Snakestar like a wussy puss.

Also, Snakestar had grown a lot more anxious and fidgety—it was as if he was an apprentice in ThunderClan getting ready for a battle or something. Demonpaw spent less time with her mentor than she wished, though, and instead was forced to train with another free mentor in which she didn't really like.

At the moment, Demonpaw had a free day. Rain pour had made it so that no one could train, which meant that she had a free day with her brother. She'd had it all planned out—they would talk about rumours in the apprentices den, grab a bite to eat, and then probably talk some more before she'd get bored and go exploring on her own. That was, however, until Bravepaw went to the leaders den to speak with Snakestar again.

This is the fourth time in seven sunrises! Demonpaw thought angrily to herself as she narrowed her eyes and dug her claws into the ground. Does he think I'm too stupid to ask? And why does he keep me from knowing about what's going on up there? Does he think I'm too mouse-brained?

"Hi, Demonpaw!" came Twigpaw's voice from the entrance of the den. "Are you still sulking over Duskpaw? 'Cause if you are, I might just have to swat you with my paw." Demonpaw looked up and smiled slightly.

"I'm not sulking over Duskpaw—I'm actually quite happy for him." Demonpaw stated, holding her head high. "He did what he wanted to do, and is now a happy hunter in RiverClan." Twigpaw rolled her eyes as she shook of the rain drops and padded over to the grey and white she-cat.

"Whatever you say." Twigpaw mewed as she curled up on her nest. The curious kit looked around before narrowing her eyes with confusion. "Hey, where's Bravepaw? He's not training, is he?" Demonpaw shook his head.

"Snakestar's den." She growled, a bit of distaste in her voice. "Apparently Snakestar is better than me." Twigpaw laughed a bit.

"Get real, Demonpaw." Twigpaw told her. "Bravepaw's just going through a hard time, that's all. And besides, how can anyone be better that his sister. No one's better than family." Demonpaw smiled warmly to her friend.

"Thanks, Twigpaw." Demonpaw said. The grey and white she-cat walked over to her own next, and soon she and Twigpaw began to gossip while throwing out some teasing comments about themselves every once and awhile. It was a great day to spend with friends.

But a nagging thought kept her on edge.

Demonpaw wasn't sneaky—she knew that. However, there were many ways to get to the leaders den without being noticed. If I could just get up there with no one noticing, I could probably try and eavesdrop on what their talking about. Demonpaw—seeing no other option—stood up, ready to go.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna go get some prey." Demonpaw told them. They all laughed, but she rolled her eyes and brushed it off. "Come on. It may be soggy, but at least it's food." They all continued giggling, so the grey and white she-cat ignored them.

Demonpaw bravely stepped outside the den, soon becoming soaked as she walked through the pouring rain. It felt more like she was going under a water fall than rain sprinkling upon her. Eventually, however, she stood before the slippery rocks that formed the high ledge.

Well, I'm already out here. Might as well go for it. Demonpaw thought. She wasn't rethinking her decision, just realizing how dangerous it was climbing up the ledge in this weather. She made the first jump soon after that thought, though, just in case she psyched herself out.

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