Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day made Evectri anxious. Huntress had told him to go to fields and wait, for she had do a few things. However, the golden she-cat had also told him that she wanted to speak with him about a few things. So, naturally, Evectri was excited—and afraid. On normal days when Evectri was sent to the fields before her, there was an interesting day to be spent.

It was a cloudy day, actually. It was darker than the day before, and though these usually made the silver prince solemn, it didn't seem to bother him at that moment. After all, he was excited to talk more about his past and why being a Volan wasn't that big of a deal. He felt as if he hadn't explained it well enough.

Rain had turned out to be fine, just a little sore. Ripple was furious to have him in his den again, but it was a laughing matter by morning.

A rustle in the grass made Evectri pause. He stared at the tree for a few seconds before Huntress emerged, her eyes looking into his for only a second before looking back to the ground. Confused, he padded up to her, making sure his visible wings did not disturb the golden she-cat.

"Is there something wrong?" Evectri asked, tilting his head. Huntress shook her head and remained silent. "Did your father say something about the accident yesterday? Did Honey say something?" Huntress sighed.

"No, no, it's none of that," she murmured, still refusing to meet his gaze. "I just have a lot to think about, you know? I don't know how deal with all of what you've told me...For so long I thought—I thought you were someone else..." Evectri smiled warmly and licked her on the cheek.

"It's okay, Huntress, we'll get through this barrier," Evectri promised. "One way or another, you'll figure this out, and we'll go back to the old days." Huntress nodded and gave a bleak smile. However, she still hadn't looked into his eyes, even as a silence continued. "Huntress, what—"

"I-I need to show you something," Huntress said hurriedly, standing up quickly. She padded forward, having no intention to wait for him. Curiously, and with a worried scowl, Evectri followed her. He kept an ear out for more predators as well.

They travelled further into the grassy fields, almost back to camp. Huntress glanced back every few moments, as if making sure he was there. She never looked at him for more than two heart-beats, however, and she hurried her pace after about ten fox-lengths.

Suddenly, Evectri heard a rustle in the grass behind him. He paused in the small clearing, sniffing the air. Familiar yet hostile scents came to his nose from all around him, and immediately he knew that he and Huntress were surrounded with great strength as their difference.

"Huntress, ru—" Evectri began, but the golden she-cat just stared into his eyes with sadness in her eyes. Instantly, he figured out what happened, and his heart stopped beating.

All at that moment, cats flung themselves from the undergrowth and the tall grass. They all had their claws unsheathed and their teeth bared, and as they pushed the silver prince to the ground, gashes and scratches forced a screech out of him.

Evectri flapped his wings, attempting to shake the attackers off of him. He stood, or at least tried to, and began moving in movements that would usually shake a normal cat. However, with the ten that were there, he soon figured out that there was no way that he'd get away.

"Flame, Midnight, grab onto his wings!" ordered Shadow, who also seemed to partake in the fight. Immediately, Evectri raised his wings high in the air, attempting to fly off. However, Flame and the Midnight were both upon him quickly, pinning that part of his body to the ground.

Evectri struggled against their grip, but soon Shadow had ordered everyone on him. He was pinned, unable to do anything but stare at the golden she-cat who had done nothing but stand there.

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