Chapter Fourteen

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"Demonpaw, Bravepaw!" called a light grey she-cat with deep blue eyes, a dark grey she-cat with light amber eyes, and a brown tom with yellow eyes. Their names were Greykit, Darkkit, and Thornkit, and they just so happened to be only a moon younger than the two newly named apprentices.

Demonpaw, now slightly taller than before, turned around as Bravepaw did the same. He was a good four inches taller thanks to his long legs, and his once blue-grey fur had grown darker into a paler grey that looked even more like whom he was named for.

"You'll wait for us right?" asked the light grey she-cat who went by the name of Greykit. Her dark blue eyes were looking at Demonpaw with hopefulness.

"You'll tell everyone about our awesome adventures, right?" asked the optimistic dark grey kit. Her name was Darkkit, and though she looked hopeful, Demonpaw knew well what she was thinking.

"Yeah, and you'll definitely tell them all about how cool and wonderful we are, right?" Thornkit, the brown tom, said with a smirk on his face. Demonpaw scoffed at his arrogance, her tail flicking as she, too, put on a playful smirk.

"Cool and wonderful? As if! You are far from that, Thornkit." Demonpaw stated, holding her head high with pride. Thornkit rolled his eyes before Demonpaw heard Bravepaw laugh, a regular smile on his face.

"Must you two always fight? We're kin!" Bravepaw reminded the two. Both of them scoffed, though Demonpaw looked the happiest, having come up with a good come back.

"Bravepaw, Demonpaw! We're ready to go when you are!" called the two ThunderClan cats standing near the entrance of camp. A jolt of excitement was sent through Demonpaw as she heard the voices, leaving her to shiver. She and Bravepaw were just about to leave, but the sight of their mother kept them back.

"I'm an apprentice, mum! Finally! I'll get to train, fight, and show all of those losers that I'm the best!" Demonpaw boasted, her chest puffed out with pride. "And then maybe Bravepaw can become a guard so he can see you again while I'm in ThunderClan!" Their mother gave a sort of sorrowed expression, but Demonpaw just guessed it was because they were leaving the nest.

"We will be seeing you again, right?" asked Bravepaw, concern clouding his pale green eyes. Robinwing seemed to blink back the tears, obviously sad about what was happening. Demonpaw never understood why—shouldn't her mother be happy that she was finally going to train?

"I love you," she whispered, her voice very quiet. "And while you're away I want you to promise me that you won't do anything mouse-brained. There are dangerous things in this forest, and I-I won't be there to save you. So no matter how hard it is, no matter what's happened, just please help each other out. For me." Demonpaw nodded with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I'll keep Bravepaw away from all of the she-cats," Demonpaw said playfully. "I'll make sure he follows the rules, too." Despite what she said, the grey tom just laughed slightly, as if the joke was about someone else.

"I'll take care of her too, mum," Bravepaw told Robinwing with a warm smile on his face. Like always, he was trying to make her feel better. "I'll make sure she follows the rules. Although, then again, no one likes messing with her anyways." This made Demonpaw stand tall. Robinwing chuckled.

"Okay, thank you," Robinwing told them, giving a lick on their forehead. "Now go—I mustn't keep you from your duty to these Clans." Demonpaw nodded, her tail flicking with excitement.

"Bye, mum! I'll see you soon!" Demonpaw called over her shoulder as she ran toward their escorts. Bravepaw caught up to her soon after. They looked back to their mother, who smiled in their direction. Bravepaw still seemed concerned, but Demonpaw knew that their mother would be fine. After all, she was going to RiverClan next.

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