Chapter Twelve

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Rain felt...different. He couldn't quite explain it, because after about three days in the healers' den, he found himself unfocused, and his mind couldn't catch things as easily as before. It was as if with every moment that passed, he seemed to be drifting.

His leg wasn't broken, and his shoulder wasn't dislocated, but it was injured nonetheless, and boy did it hurt. With every day that passed, it became even more sore, leaving him to be kept in one spot and position, unable to move without shooting a large amount of rippling pain up his leg.

His other wounds weren't helping him much either, but over all, it was the fever that forced him into such a lethargic state. He literally stared hopelessly at the other side of the den, his breathing becoming laboured as his fur allowed his ribs to show slightly. He was hungry and thirsty, but moving was nearly impossible without feeling pain. Not to mention the fact that he knew with only one bite of food, he would vomit.

He'd heard Ripple talking to Huntress often in a whisper, as if trying to keep Rain from hearing her. Sometimes, even Shadow would want an update on his condition. Truthfully, he didn't really want to think about that. To know that he was no longer going to be a servant was fine, but he just couldn't grasp the fact that he'd killed so many cats in just a few moments. He was scared, but again, it was a thought he didn't often think of.

Still not feelin' so good? Jactur asked, his voice actually seeming sincere at this point. I wish I could help, Rainy, but unfortunately, I can't. Whatever you've got is somethin''s too different. Rain didn't reply—he just wasn't in the mood to think about it.

I-I'm not going to make it, am I? Rain asked, this being the only form of social interaction all day. After all this time...after all Huntress and the others did for me...after finally figuring out I'm special, and useful...after getting promoted and worshiped...I'm going to die...I'm going to pass on... There was no reply. It was just solemn silence.

Rain couldn't tell when he drifted to sleep, only that when he was dreaming he wished he was back in the real world. The dream mainly consisted of him running away from something that he somehow knew was going to kill him if it got the chance. It was a dark figure with bright amber eyes that whispered the name, "Rainfur" as well as a few others that made him feel protective, even though he had no idea who they were.

Suddenly, within the dream he came across a scene of horror. In front of him lay a spitting image of him with dark blue eyes, but it was a she-cat, and she was young, lying flat against the ground with a pool of her own blood surrounding her. Beside that was a brown and white tom who had emerald eyes, but he was also still and covered in the crimson liquid. Then, beside the she-cat, was a pale grey tom with pale green eyes, his fur mixed with red blood as he breathed his last breaths. The biggest cat of them all lay closest to Rain. The tom was a grey tabby tom with sharp amber eyes, his wings sprawled out in front of him.

For some reason, Rain felt sorrow looking at these cats, and when he looked behind him, he found that the monster had jumped, and was soon upon him. The monster's claws was digging in his fur, ripping it to shreds as he screamed for help.

When the dreams became reality, when he woke up screaming as his wounds all pleaded with the screams of agony, he felt like he'd rather be sick than be nearly pulled apart by an unknown monster like the cats in his dreams—well, nightmares.

Ripple was at his side at once, feeding him the poppy seed as well as continuing to sooth him down. Rain was calm in seconds, and back to the same old position, his breathing still heavy as his face resumed to show the hopeless expression as before.

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