Chapter Twenty-Six

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Rain blinked his eyes open into darkness. His head throbbed with pain, forcing him to wince. He stayed still for many minutes, trying not to make the headache worse. He couldn't think, so therefore he couldn't really decide on anything.

When it died out slightly, Rain realized Jactur was absent. He couldn't hear, feel, or scent his partner anywhere. This made him sit up quickly, attempting to figure out where he was and what was happening. However, he couldn't see anything. It was still darkness.

A movement startled Rain, forcing him to stand and turn around with noise of surprise. Cheetahfur looked at him with worry in her blue eyes. Her stunning fur put him in a state of awe, for she seemed to be shining with white light at that very moment.

Behind her, a doorway appeared. Rain sensed Jactur and the familiarity of the forest of his mind. His eyes searched longingly, and he took a step forward. However, Cheetahfur shook her head.

"Do you really wish to go back?" Cheetahfur ask. "If you go through this door, you will never remember who you truly are. You'll never discover who your family was and what they were like. You'll lose your will to fight for anyone you don't know, and you'll remain just as uncontrollable as you are." Rain lowered his head as he realized the foolishness that it would be.

"You would be safe from harm, though," Cheetahfur continued. "You'd be protected, and you would go on, ignorant to the war around you. And if you stay, pain is sure to come to you. You will remember your hardships, your past lives, and every cat you have killed since the day of your...creation." Rain shivered.

He was confused, unable to have anyone to decide things for him. Rain pondered, shifting his weight nervously as the she-cat stared at him. On one paw, I'll be able to go to that safe place, but I'll never remember anything. On the other paw, I'll remember and I'll be able to fight alongside my friends and family, but I'll be caused so much pain...

Rain shook his head, frightened he'd make the wrong choice. After a few minutes of struggling, he sighed and said, "I'll stay for the cats' sake." Cheetahfur nodded before stepping all the way through the door. When it shut with creaking noises like an elder tree, Rain cried out as pain engulfed him.

"Come on, Alfie! Hurry up!" Rain pleaded in a memory. He was talking to a...what were they called? Twolegs. No. Humans. And he was one as well. How could I be one of them, though? Rain thought.

"Alfie! Run!" Rain urged as other...humans? Yeah—as other humans ran toward them with...shiny sticks? No...blades. Swords, knives, daggers. How do I know what those objects are, though? Rain asked himself.

"Alfie is gone!" Rain remembered crying. "And it's my fault!" He was hurt badly. Rain shivered—he hated remembering that pain.

"Daniel, stop!" Rain cried as his younger brother ran. Pain followed after he ran in front of the monster. That's what that was. But why'd he do that? Stupid, that's my brother! Is he? Yes! He's my brother, and I love him!

"The scar was from my past," Rain told the golden she-cat. That was Rosestar. WindClan's leader. Evil, maybe. Darn it—can't remember!

"I promise you that if this happens again, you will have every right to exile me." Rain had told ThunderClan after he nearly killed Sharpfang by accident. Jactur was even more predictable, and these cats...Ravenstar is the leader, maybe. Yes. Yes, he is. And Robinpaw is an apprentice...? Sure, why not. Sharpfang was...what was that word again? Aha! Warrior!

"Take the kits, Rainpaw! Give them to Wolfheart!" Thorntail had urged Rain. That looks like Duskpelt What is this? Darn, this blizzard is cold! So much pain...why? Why was such fighting necessary? Oh, the rogues.

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