Chapter Six

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Stormpaw sighed as he finished his mouse, knowing full well that he would need to train now that he was done slowly enjoying his food. He liked training, because it was the only thing that seemed to make him closer to Rainfur, but as soon as he and Snakestar were alone, the leader would always preach to him about how much he needed to save the Clans. It got annoying, especially since he'd burned that option a long time ago.

Stormpaw noticed soon, however, that Snakestar was on the high rock, which meant that the training would be held off for the day. With a smirk, Stormpaw remembered that Bluepaw and Lionpaw, would be getting their warrior names, and the twins—Cottonpaw and Lilypaw—mentors would be announcing the course of training that their apprentices would be taking.

Stormpaw quickly found a place beside Cloverpaw, who looked at him with an annoying bit of curiosity in her eyes, and Smokepaw, who was eagerly awaiting the ceremonies, for he and the twins were best friends from the start. Stormpaw, being the oldest there by only a moon, sighed. His warrior ceremony would be in only two moons, and then he'd move to ThunderClan. . .

The brown and white tom shook away the thought as Snakestar silenced the gathering Clan, and he noticed that several of them were itchy. Stormpaw smirked again, knowing that whenever something was wrong, it had to have been the twins fault. They do love their pranks, Stormpaw thought.

"ShadowClan, for two of our toms, their training has finally come to an end!" Snakestar announced, standing proud on the high rock, just like a true leader. "Lionpaw and Bluepaw, please step forward." The dark bluish tom walked out first, his ginger brother right behind him. They sat proudly in front of the Clan, proud looks in their eyes.

"They have trained hard, even through the war, to understand the art of the warrior code, and to not only fight like brave warriors, but accept that the world is changing around them. In their turn, they shall receive their warrior names, and move into their assigned camps." As Snakestar finished, the Clan was quiet, waiting to hear the warrior names. This ceremony had only been performed once, but Stormpaw hadn't been there to see it. This was his first time.

"Lionpaw and Bluepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, and protect and defend not only the Clan territories, but your king as well?" Stormpaw frowned as Snakestar asked the apprentices this question. One day, he'd have to promise this as well. He'd have to promise to defend Sharpmoon, the tom who nearly killed his brother. Growing lowly, he calmed himself down the best he could, hoping that he would at least not get a stupid name.

"I do," said Lionpaw, proudly holding his head high.

"I do," said Bluepaw, shyly ducking his head as the Clan looked at him.

"Then by the powers of a leader, I give you your warrior names," said Snakestar, showing no real emotion. He just looked happy. He just looked proud. He was really sending a message. You see how much we've had to change? It was as clear as glass to Stormpaw, but he ignored it, pretending that he didn't notice. "Lionpaw, from this day forward, you shall be known as Lionfang. We honour you as a full warrior of ThunderClan, and as the dusk patrol comes, you may follow them back to their camp." The Clan cheered, but not his name. Not yet. "Bluepaw, from this day forward, you shall be known as Blueflash, and we honour you as a full hunter of RiverClan. A hunting patrol will be waiting for you in just a few moments, so you must hurry." Blueflash and Lionfang both nodded in understanding as the Clans cheered their names.

"Lionfang! Blueflash! Lionfang! Blueflash! Lionfang! Blueflash!"

Stormpaw did not cheer along, for he was still trying to figure out Snakestar's full message. So far, through the names and emotions, he'd gotten this: You see how much we've had to change? We're now forced to fight with our teeth instead of words in just a flash! Stormpaw sighed as he figured this out. It wasn't at all what he wanted to know.

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