Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Evectri had landed on his island by sunset. The orange light made him smile as he thought, This war is almost over. The silver king watched as the mothering she-cats and kits gathered out of curiosity around the five Volans who had just landed.

He spotted his mother, and immediately he knew that everyone was there. After all, everyone followed the former Queen. Evectri nodded and then jumped onto the high rock. The Volans whispered, but the king ignored that.

"My fellow Volans!" he called, making sure every gaze was upon him. "My father, King Negro, is dead!" Loud whispers ran, and the buzz forced him to stop for a few moments. After calming them down, Evectri continued, "I defeated him two nights ago with the help of friends I have recently made. And because of this, I have been granted Prince Tavo's blessing, and have therefore become King of the Subir Flock!" There were shouts; good, bad and others just demanding what happened.

"If you were given Prince Tavo's blessing," said Leona, forcing the crowd to quiet down. "Then where is he to explain why?" The silver king turned to face his mother, and though he looked strong, he felt his throat tightening.

"My brother, Prince Tavo, was killed in battle by Lady Laidia, who later died as well," Evectri explained. "He died with honour, and asked that I lead our Flock to the destiny that it was meant for. And I have." Leona's eyes narrowed, her tail flicking with anger.

"And what destiny might this be, my son?" Leona asked sharply. Evectri looked back to the crowd.

"To leave this lonely island and live peacefully among the cats in which have helped us achieve this victory," Evectri answered. He couldn't control the response even if he was StarClan or the Dark Forest. There were gasps, angry shouts, and questions. Lots. And Lots. Of questions.

Evectri sighed with irritation before he stood up and shouted, "Silence!" His eyes were narrowed, his muscles were tense, and the force in the word seemed to shut the cats up for the time he needed. "Why is it so astonishing that I wish this for our Flock? Negro is dead!"

"Those cats won't think the same!" cried a she-cat. "They'll attack anyway, and kill us all!"

"They don't know how to fight us off," Evectri argued. "Only the Cats of the Storms will know how, and they aren't a big enough number."

"So we'll be living with them, too?" another cat asked. "You are bird-brained!"

"Rain, a cat friend of mine, is powerful enough to keep them under control," Evectri growled. "But we won't need it—they've already been convinced that we're safe, so they won't attack us."

"There will always be haters," growled an elder. "There will always be those who want to destroy us!"

"No, they—" Evectri tried.

"Their kits will grow up to learn how 'evil' we are, and they will be trained to assassinate us!" a mother cried out.

"They won't, I—" Evectri began.

"We'll be destroyed before next new-leaf!" shrieked a she-cat. More and more came, but Evectri couldn't get a word in.

Finally, after becoming overwhelmed, the silver king sucked in his breath and yelled, "Quiet!" The force was greater than before, and it had silenced the cats quiet quickly. He took a few moments to calm himself down, though he left his eyes narrowed with flaring emotions within them.

"None of you could possibly understand why I trust these cats," Evectri growled. "And therefore I won't force you to see reason without explanation. However, you need to trust me. Trust that I will make the best decisions for you even if they do seemed far-fetched." The silence continued so he jumped down from the high rock.

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