Chapter Thirty-Eight

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The feeling could only be explained as a door being opened, allowing endless amounts of energy to pour through. A light blue light flashed through the island, and once it disappeared, Rain saw many of the cats below staring at him in awe.

I know now! Jactur suddenly said, chuckling slightly. I know! I know what we can do! I know what power we can use! I know! This was completely true. Rain now knew things that he never had before: how to go through even the hardest of minds, how to allow Jactur out of his body, how to make the star appear whenever he wanted, how to make the blades kill all those that he wanted and avoid those he didn't. He even knew how let others feel the extent of what he could do.

No cat has ever known this power, have they? Rain asked.

Selios and Santus were probably at our level, but those are the only ones! Said Jactur. This is all a soul could wish for, Rainy! To become one with the body, forever! Rain smiled bleakly at his partner's joy, and right before he was about to call the power in, a light blue star that looked almost exactly like his scar appeared in the sky. There were no blades this time, just the star.

It faded moments later as Rain focused on reining the powers in. When he did so, he sighed in relief, for the ever flowing power had exhausted him.

The grey and white tom looked up to the leaders' eyes and said, "Thank you."

"Through the moons you have been beneath our stars, you have always had these Clans in your mind," the StarClan cats echoed. "You were our saviour in the first war, and you are the saviour in this war. Many victories were made so because of you, Rainfur, so from this night forward, you shall be known as Rainmoon. May your days be filled with peace and rest after your troublesome past." The StarClan cats faded after that, leaving Rainmoon with a smile on his face.

I like this name, he thought to himself. And now no one will be confused as to what to call me.

I'm still calling you Rainy, said Jactur stubbornly.

I never thought otherwise, Rainmoon reassured his partner. He then looked down upon the crowd who all looked up at him.

"My Clans, in this war, we have lost so many, four of them being our previous leaders," Rainmoon spoke. "I will not dwell on the past, for StarClan themselves have given me light on who shall be the next leaders of our Clans."

"Clovertail, Smoketail, Swiftheart, and Willowshade, please come forward," said Rainmoon. They did so as the grey and white tom noticed the surprise in Clovertail and Smoketail's eyes. It wasn't hard to expect. They were young, after all.

"For ShadowClan, StarClan has chosen Willowshade for her undying loyalty and friendship with Snakestar and his brother, Nightstar," Rainmoon called. "For RiverClan, StarClan has chosen Smoketail, for his courage, kindness, and honour in battle. For WindClan, StarClan has chosen Clovertail, for her intelligence and mentor-like abilities. And finally, for ThunderClan, StarClan has chosen Swiftheart, for his protective instinct in battle and his leadership.

"Before I ask these cats whether or not they accept this offer, I will explain to you all what I plan to make of these Clans in which have been rendered asunder because of Sharpmoon's reign," Rainmoon announced. "Kits, apprentices, and warriors will not be forced away from their families. However, I believe to keep one thing true: the Clans and their uses.

"RiverClan will stay as the hunters, ShadowClan will stay as the trainers, ThunderClan will stay as the protectors and WindClan will stay as the birthplace for all kits," Rainmoon continued as he heard whispering from below. "The difference, I should say, is that everyone will have a choice. Our queens will move to WindClan from the moment they figure out they are going to have kits to when the kits are six moons old. Then they will move back to the Clan that their family is in.

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