Chapter Twenty-One

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Rain was doing fine after a half moon of complete silence. Both the Volans and the cats had stopped fighting simply to help each other recuperate. It was nice, but it was nerve-racking for him because that mean more time for Shadow to plan how his daughter was going to become his mate. Apparently there was a ritual.

Evectri was often at camp, and if not, he was in the fields with Huntress, which made Rain's life a lot easier. The grey tom had established hope, for when he had come, he had brought the Cats of the Storms a miracle. So, in other words, he was a hero that everyone looked up to.

Rain was...well...the one everyone was unsure of. After that show that he put on the night after the battle—which he had no recollection of, might he add—had put everyone on edge about him. They were uncertain as to what the ghosts were, and where they were going. No one had confronted him, however.

"Rain! Rain!" called a high voice. Honey, almost fully grown now, came bouncing him with her brothers behind her. "Rain, we want to go hunting and you're the only one available. Can you please take us?" He smiled.

"Okay, but be patient. I need to see if Shadow will let me." Rain told them. They nodded and sat, willing to wait as he stood and walked over to the Commander's den.

Quietly, Rain slid in the den, but then he heard an argument brewing. Immediately, he hid within the shadows, hoping no one would scent him as a guilty feeling overcame him.

"You're kidding, right?" Shadow asked.

"No, I'm not." Huntress hissed. "I know Rain is a wonderful cat and he would be a brilliant and powerful Commander, but my heart doesn't belong to him. Evectri is the one I love, and he's already proven to you that he has the leadership skills and the strength to protect this camp." Shadow growled.

"Impossible! He is no more than a normal rogue!" Shadow hissed.

"And so is Rain!" Huntress hissed. "The difference is that I want Evectri."

"It's too late," Shadow growled. "I've already made the ceremony for you and Rain."

"I don't care." Huntress muttered. "I don't want to be mates with Rain. He's a good cat, and he's a wonderful friend, but he is not going to be my mate! I don't feel the same with him as I do Evectri." Shadow growled defiantly.

"We don't know enough about that rogue!" Shadow hissed.

"And how much do we know about Rain?" Huntress countered her father. "We don't know why he's as strong as he is. We don't know what happened when those souls left us. We don't know why that star erupted into the sky. We don't know a lot of things." It was quiet for a few moments.

"Evectri will not be your mate if I have a say in it," Shadow finally muttered. "Rain is best suited for my role, and Evectri is too mysterious." Huntress didn't answer at first.

"Fine," Huntress snapped. "However, when this camp crumbles and is destroyed, you will be the one everyone blames." Rain suddenly heard the golden she-cat's paws coming toward him, and before he could hide, Huntress spotted him. She stared, but then walked away, confusing Rain.

Huntress doesn't trust me? Rain asked himself. But why? I'm capable of leading...aren't I?

Er, not really, said Jactur. were better back in the old days. In others eyes you could very well be just a great fighter. Rain frowned.

She could have just told me...


"Rain, look! I found a squirrel!" claimed Honey as she bounced forward with the dangling prey.

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