Chapter Twenty

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Demonpaw had sprinted down the hill, her legs tired yet still able to go on. She wasn't going to stop—not after what she'd just seen. She wasn't going to stop—not after what she'd discovered. Demonpaw was going to prevent her brother from doing something stupid, and she was going to sort out all she finally understood.

Bravepaw was hiding all of this from me, and now he never wants to see me again? Demonpaw asked herself. How stupid! And Stormheart...he was a Twoleg? I've met him before—he doesn't seem anything like it! Did he know about everything? Is he a part of the plan?

Demonpaw made a quick turn, the cold air warming as a small ray of sunshine showed in the horizon. She made it back into the forest, but did not stop running. She couldn't, not with how angry she was.

My father is a Twoleg, and he went through all that just to get his memory taken away. Stormheart was finally reunited with his brother, but only for a short time before they were separated again. My father didn't even get to see Robinwing after he returned from exile. My mother sacrificed herself for me and Bravepaw. Why? Why would someone need to do that?

Demonpaw rushed passed the tunnel entrance, forgetting all about the secret short-cut. She had no idea where she was going, but the trees rushed passed her, and in the distance she could see the thick greenery of ShadowClan.

I thought we were just really powerful, and that people didn't like us because of that. I thought I was looked at oddly because of how strong I looked, not because I look so much like Jactur. I thought I just got really angry, not that it was a trait that was inherited from my father. I thought that Stormheart was just a good friend of my father's, not my own kin. I thought that my father just died in a meaningless battle, not that he was the war leader of the whole thing. I thought that my brother and I would grow up to be strong warriors, not killed or captured by Sharpmoon. Why is everything I thought wrong?

Demonpaw jumped over the log, her scent from earlier still there. She cleared it easily without thinking.

Why was I so stupid? Why did I think everything was fine? Why did I believe that everything was just how it had to be? Why did I overlook our mother's good-bye? Why did I think this voice was nothing? Why did I let it take control of me? Why?

"Demonpaw, watch out!" a voice suddenly warned. Demonpaw, however, could not stop in time. She crashed right into something grey, which sent both of them tumbling for a few fox-lengths. Then, when they had stopped, Demonpaw stood up, adrenaline already pulsing through her body.

"Bravepaw?" Demonpaw asked as the familiar pale grey tom sat up. "What are you doing here?" Her eyes were wide and her legs were shaking.

"I came looking for you." Bravepaw told her, his jade green eyes looking into hers. "You disappeared, and I was worried that you would—"

"What, ruin your stupid, idiotic plan?" Demonpaw hissed, her fur bristling as she saw her brother. He kept things from me, and lied to me! Brothers aren't supposed to do that! "How come you didn't tell me everything? How come you didn't tell me the truth? Why did you keep all that information from me? I needed to know!" Bravepaw's eyes grew wide at the side of his angry sister.

"Demonpaw, I didn't mean it, I swear!" Bravepaw explained quickly. "I really couldn't tell you anything, Snakestar—"

"Don't blame anyone but yourself!" Demonpaw hissed, her tail lashing. "You could have told me any time! You could have explained to me your little plan to get captured! You could have mentioned, if only slightly, that our father was more than just someone who died in battle!" Bravepaw's eyes narrowed.

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