Chapter Eighteen

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Rain was running blindly toward the battle of cats and Volans. He was confused as to why Shadow would be anywhere near a Volan, let alone listen to one about an invasion in which could just be a trap. Rain was confused about what exactly was happening, and why Shadow would even allow him so close to a battle field.

"Are you the servant who almost killed Laidia, the she-Volan who attacked Huntress?" the grey Volan beside him called as they sprinted forward. Rain glanced over in his direction, deciding whether or not he should answer. Eventually and intentionally without thinking, he did.

"Yes." Rain replied, though his voice showed his worry. This Volan could be Laidia's brother, or a friend. This Volan will probably kill me now that he knows. Even with those thoughts, something in the back of his mind told him that he'd made the right choice.

"Then you should know," Evectri called back as Shadow departed from them. "That even though I'm a Volan, I'm not going to hurt you or your friends. I'm simply trying to help you, something my family will never do." Rain narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Why'd you ask if I was that servant if that's what you were going to tell me?" Rain questioned.

"Because the others don't know I'm a Volan." Evectri answered. "I have the ability to hide my wings, so not even Shadow can see them. They think I'm a regular rogue." Rain gave an uneasy laugh.

"That would explain much, I guess." Rain murmured. His heart began beating quickly as he heard the yowling of battling cats and Volans. He could see many of them up ahead, but he refused to think about it.

"Please, don't tell anyone." Evectri pleaded, his expression changing into a hard scowl. Still there was a certain softness in his amber eyes that reminded Rain of someone. "I'd be killed on sight of anyone found out. Even if I don't mean any harm." Rain nodded in understanding.

"Since you told me that, I guess I should tell you that if my eyes grow darker, and my scar glows, you should run." Rain told the grey Volan. Evectri narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because that means I've become insane and I'll kill any enemy I see." Rain replied. "Considering you're a Volan, you'll probably seem no different to me in that state." Evectri stared at him, but eventually nodded.

"Good to know." he said before the both of them ran into the fray of the war.

At first, it was quite normal. Rain lunged first, distracting the Volan while Evectri gave him or her a wound on the wing that forced them to fly away from the battle in pain. Evectri didn't kill anyone though, and Rain actually understood why.

I don't like fighting with this guy, Jactur said flatly, though his voice made it seem as if he was suspicious of Evectri. He isn't direct on any of his attacks, if you've noticed. Plus, he can easily kill all of our victims and yet he just makes them writhe in pain until they can fly away. It's like he's been specially trained.

And that changes why you like fighting with him because...? Rain asked, lunging straight into another Volan.

I'm used to simply charging forward! Jactur said, acting as if it were obvious. Our fighting styles are completely different, and I can tell he's been trained. Assassin-like, if you ask me. Rain rolled his eyes, jumping away as Evectri unsheathed his claws and sliced through a Volan's flank.

As that Volan flew away, the two paused to catch their breath. Rain looked over to Evectri, giving a bleak smile before saying, "You fight like a snake, and that's not a bad thing. If you weren't a Volan, Shadow would probably make you head of all the fighters he has." Evectri shrugged.

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