Chapter Seven

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Evectri sighed as he lay down within the hollow tree, looking solemnly out into the field of flowers. While Huntress was gone, it seemed like this was all he did, leaving him to think, which in his case, was never good. It wasn't as if he were bringing up memories though—it was simply because when he thought, it always had something to do with a plan or creation thereof.

Evectri was considering what he needed to do after all his body wounds were healed. To Huntress, he'd be perfectly fine, but the question on his mind was, 'what then?' Evectri knew that he wanted to protect Huntress with everything he had, because she was his sole purpose of staying there in the first place, but would she let him?

Evectri looked at his paws, thinking this through carefully. Huntress was very outgoing, almost always wishing she were just a normal cat so she could have the freedom she needed to fulfil her dreams. With him, she always seemed to have that freedom, even if it was all still against the rules. Once Evectri thought of this, he was sure she would let him stay.

There was another problem though. Volans constantly patrolled the area, and there were also numerous hunting parties because of the lush amount of prey. If they realized Evectri was alive, however...then he would probably either be taken back to the Island, or killed on the spot. Even then, the latter seemed like a weak punishment.

I could ignore them, and hide as I've been doing for the past moon and a half, thought Evectri with hope in his eyes. But that still wouldn't be enough. Sooner or later, something is going to happen, and I'm going to get caught. Lying won't get me anywhere.

"Everything is just so frustrating!" Evectri yelled to himself, his claws unsheathing into the ground as he unleashed his anger in which was just yowling to come out. His wing accidentally shifted as he did this, flexing uncomfortably and of course causing a large amount of rippling pain to pulse through his body. He winced before relaxing himself, composing the wrath within him.

A pool of clear water from the rainstorm the day before sparkled beside Evectri, catching his attention as he looked at his shadowy reflection. Nothing much had changed, though the scratches had grown thinner, and the cuts were now completely gone. According to Huntress, he would heal completely in just a half-moon at most, yet one scratch would forever be there to remind him of his betrayal.

It wasn't a long scar, though it was visible to a lot of cats many fox-lengths away. It went from the top of his nose down to his chin, and anyone who had seen battle would know that the scar wasn't natural. The three scratches were obviously something that didn't just come from an unfortunate incident. They were claw marks that would always remind him and every other Volan he would find of his crimes.

Evectri looked away before standing up, having no real desire to stay there any longer. He arched his back after yawning quickly, refreshing himself from the stressful talk. He walked out of the hollow tree and onto the soft grass, feeling new-leaf's quick breeze rush past him. It was soothing, especially for him.

Evectri found himself wondering exactly what was happening back home. He wondered how Tavo was dealing with his 'death', as well as his betrayal. The mouse-brain had always disregarded the fact of death, but his sensitive side was sure to come out if it was his brother who was dead.

Evectri's thoughts went further to think of his sister, Cura. True to her name, she was a healer, and one of the best according to their mother. She was probably devastated, and at the same time, angry at Negro. He laughed slightly at the thought of how much Cura would have yelled at their father after it was declared that he was dead.

The only other cat he thought of was—shockingly—his father. Evectri had always been Negro's little prince, one who obeyed, one who listened, and one who always knew what was going on and how to solve the issues. The betrayal must have been no surprise, but at the same time, frustrating to the blood-thirsty king. So Evectri wondered exactly what Negro was doing now.

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