Chapter Thirty-Five

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The day Bravepaw left was a rather ordinary one. Well, ordinary considering the conditions that they were under. Evectri continued sending patrols of Volans to hunt while the chosen cats travelled to their assigned Clans to bring them to the island. Rain also noticed that many cats walked over to where the bodies lay, and they spoke to their dead kin and friends.

Rain had hoped that he would not have to bury these cats until Bravepaw returned, but he'd decided for health reasons that he do so when the Clans arrived. After all, the bodies couldn't properly be buried without various elders to lead the ceremony.

So, with almost nothing to do, Rain managed to be the moral supporter of many of the younger warriors who had lost a loved one or who had gained a serious injury. Though mentally tiring, Rain was glad that he could help so many depressed cats.

That night, he slept by Evectri again in their designated spot near the Great Oak tree. As soon as he closed his eyes he welcomed sleep and allowed darkness to overtake him. He expected the normal dreams at first, but then he thought, Maybe I can go see StarClan... It was a wish he'd had for a long time, for he wanted to see his lost beloved just once more.

And he got to.

Rain travelled through the darkness, following a glowing light. It grew bigger as he padded toward it, and soon a meadow of swaying grass lay under his paws. Rain blinked under the starry skies, noticing that many cats mingled within this meadow.

The grey and white tom wanted to explore, but he stopped himself, waiting for the escort he knew he'd need to have. Eventually, a familiar golden tabby trotted over. Rain recognized her floating movements and spotted fur immediately and smiled.

"It is good to see you again, Cheetahfur," Rain greeted. Cheetahfur nodded.

"Good indeed," she responded. "Now, as I understand it, you wish to see a few cats?" Rain opened his mouth to say that he only wanted to see Robinwing, but closed his muzzle before he spoke. He'd learned over the months that StarClan was mysterious and there was always a reason for assumption. "Follow me, then."

Rain padded behind his guide, looking around at the starry cats. He only recognized a few, all of whom glanced up, smiled, and continued speaking to their peers. The grey and white tom was more fixated, however, on the high hills they were approaching. They were snow-capped and purple in the moonlight, and its beauty made him envy the StarClan cats.

Cheetahfur lead him through those, and that is when he noticed that they were traveling at a faster speed than before. Curiously, Rain continued on, noticing that the ground was darkening behind the high hills. Cheetahfur paid no attention, however, and chose to keep walking.

As they walked behind the shadow of the high hills, Rain was interested to find that he was padding on pebbles now, pebbles in which one would often see in a drive way of a ranch house. Considering it was slightly unnatural to see that, Rain grew surprised.

"This part of the land shapes by itself," Cheetahfur explained as if she'd read his mind. "Every few moons, it changes to how the world is set. In this case, pebbles represent the mountain that it once was, and yet now they have fallen into a million different pieces." Rain tilted his head.

"Does this represent how Sharpmoon and Negro set rank to their controlled beings, and yet now when they're destroyed, everyone will unite no matter how small in power they are?" Rain asked. Cheetahfur paused, a grim look on her face.

"If that is what you choose to believe, yes," Cheetahfur told him. "Most of the time, however, it has several meanings that are better left ignored." The golden tabby pressed forward, as if frightened by the interesting place. All Rain could do was follow.

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