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{Zane's POV}
In and out. Breathe in and out.
It was the day. The important day. The wedding day. It was the day I was going to marry Travis. I was looking at myself in the mirror. The ceremony was currently happening, just a few more minutes until I walk out into view. The door opened slightly and In came Aphmau. She smiled. I swear I saw tears in her eyes. "Oh My gosh, My best friend is getting married!" She Says, Her glossy lips forming a smile. I grin. Her Green bridesmaids dress, Waved and swayed as she walked. "Are you excited?" She asks. I look back at the mirror. "Yeah. And Im nervous too. What if something goes wrong?" I ask. She sighs. "Zane, Don't let your anxiety get to you now. This is you and Travis' special day. Your going to be just fine." She assures me. I smile. The door opens once again, Katelyn, Kawaii~Chan, And Nicole, come walking in. "Zane, Wheres your flower girl?" Katelyn asks. "Don't tell me you lost her already." I joke. She smiles. "She was never with me!" She Says, laughing. I smile. Suddenly, My little cousin, Amy walks in, her puffy dress swinging as she walks, I pick her up in my arms. "Hey Amy. Hows my flower girl doing?" I ask her, Kissing her cheek. She giggles and nods. "Great! What about you Cousin?" I smile. "Im doing Amazing." I reply. I put her down once my stepfather walks in. "Zane." He whispers, "You truly are a blessing." He tells me. I smile. My stepfather, Liam, Treated me and my brothers like a real father should. He married my mom a few months after her and dad divorced, Lets just say they have known and loved each other all their lives. "Im so glad Im going to be walking an Angel down the isle." He says, I smile. I hug him and, and for once I feel like I have a Father. "Thanks Dad." I respond, He smiles, Some tears in his eyes. Zianna, Opens the door and pokes her head in. "Lets go! Its time!" She claims, Popping her back back out. The bridesmaids line up, Flower girl in front. My heart starting beating faster and faster.
{Travis' POV}
I looked at the scenery around me. I loved it. It was a beautiful place to get married. The sun was setting and The palm trees wave side to side.

The music began to play, and I watched as Zane's little cousin, Amy, Walked in and sprinkled rose petals down the isle

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The music began to play, and I watched as Zane's little cousin, Amy, Walked in and sprinkled rose petals down the isle. I couldn't help but smile. She walked up to me and stood on her tip toes. I bent down and Kissed her forehead, and she skipped to her seat. The Bridesmaids walked in, All of them holding beautiful and colorful bouquets, filled with different flowers. They smile at me, and Smile in response. Thats Zane walks in with his Step-Father, and tears start to fall down my cheek. Zane smiles at me, and a tear glides down his face. Dante rubs my back, smiling. Zane turns to his step-dad and hugs him. His step dad turns to me and hugs me. "Take good care of him." He whispers, I nod. "I will. Trust me." I respond, Zane steps in front of me and I grab both of his hands. Then the priest begins to talk. "Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Zane and Travis in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." I look over to see Angie and Zianna in complete tears, along with Garroth, Vylad, Liam, and My sister, Wendy. I smile. "Do you, Travis Valcrum take Zane Ro'meave to be Your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest asks. "I do." I say, Zane holds onto my hands tighter. His shiny tears of joy, spread across his cheeks, along with mine. "Do you, Zane Ro'meave take Travis Valcrum to be Your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward until death do you part?" The priest repeats once again to Zane, smiling as he talks. "I do." Zane replies. "Please Bring in the rings." The priest says. My little brother, Jackson, walks in, Handing both, Me and Zane our rings. He walks back to his seat and smiles. Zane slides my ring onto my finger, and I do the same to him. "Go now in peace and live in love, sharing the most precious gifts you have, the gifts of your lives united. And may your days be long on this earth.
I now pronounce you husband and Husband. You may now kiss." The priest cheers, taking a Step backwards, smiling. I wrap my arms around Zane waist and Pull him close, And I connect my lips with his. He kisses back right away, snaking his arms around my neck. Everyone stands, cheering, hollering, and clapping. We pull away, holding hands and We Run down the isle together, Smiling and crying tears of joy.
{Zane's POV}
I was sitting at my table watching everyone dance and laugh. It was honestly so amazing to see everyone here, Together, Having fun. Angie walks up to me, with Zianna. "Hey Mr. Valcrum! Whats up?!" She cheers, a giggle slipping from her mouth. I smile. My heart fluttered after hearing her say Mr. Valcrum. "Watching everyone have fun." I say, looking over at the dance floor, seeing, Vylad, Garroth, Laurence, Dante, Aphmau, Katelyn, Aaron, and Travis form a circle. "Oh. My. Irene. They're doing a dance circle. I have to see this, Be right back!" I cheer, Getting up, and running over to the circle, next to Travis, I grab his tuxedo jacket and smile. He chuckles and kisses me gently. He pulls away, when everyone starts to chant Laurence's name. Garroth goes wide eyed. "Oh for the love of Irene..." he says, Laurence laughs and gets in the middle of the circle.

The song begins to Play and Laurence begins to dance. Garroth goes wide eyed, shocked at how good Laurence was. "GO Laurence! GO Laurence! GO Laurence! GO Laurence!" Everybody continuously shouts, And thats when Dante chimes in, both of them dancing, together, SHOCKINGLY really good. "See, I actually have FAITH in my boyfriend when he dances." Vylad says, Garroth laughs and punches his arm. Travis and I walk back to our table, Hand in hand. He sits down, and I sit next to him. "This is amazing." I say, Watching everyone and everything. Travis grabs my chin and makes me face him. He connects our lips, and without hesitating, I kiss back. He pulls away and runs his fingers through my hair as we watch everyone.
"CAN I HAVE EVERYONES ATTENTION?!" Aphmau screams, standing up on her chair, at her table. Everyone looks over at her, Smiling. "I would like to make a toast! To my Best friend who is now married to my Good ol Pal Travis! I hope you guys have an amazing life together! CHEERS!" She announces. Everyone lifts up their cups and yells, 'Cheers' And they all Drink from their cups. I smile, And I drink from my cup, kissing Travis' cheek. "Can we all Gather around, To watch the newly Weds cut their cake?"  Dante yells out. Me and Travis smile, Standing up and walking over towards the cake. I grab the knife, and Travis puts his hand on top of mine, and we both cut the cake. Everyone cheers and claps. "Ooh Ice Cream cake, My Favorite!" Amy and Jackson Chirp at the same time. Everyone laughs. Travis grabs some frosting on his finger and Spreads it across my nose. I gasp, jokingly, Putting frosting in his face. Vylad, Garroth, Angie, And Zianna help pass out slices of cake, to everyone. This night is honestly the best night ever.

I Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Because I know I SURE DID. 😂


sweater kisses // zanvis fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora