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[Song: All time low. By: Jon Bellion.]

{Travis' POV}
I was slowly healing, and Zane wouldn't leave me alone. But honestly, that was a good thing. He would go anywhere with me and he will do anything to help me, It was Adorable. We were on the couch, Watching Some weird movie Zane picked out, And he was clinging onto me for dear life. A laugh escapes my mouth. "Zane, Why are you holding onto me so tight?" I ask. He looks over at me. "Because I Love you." He responds, smiling and snuggling me. I blush a light pink and I smile. He sits on my lap, his arms around my neck. "I wish I could of helped you." He whispers, sadness lurking his voice. "Are you kidding? I was not letting Garte get near you!" I say, Looking into his icy-blue eye. "But I didn't want to let you do it on your own! I wanted to be there for you, But I couldn't." He whines, I roll my eyes. "Don't you think thats how I felt when I found out about your dad? I wished I was there to be by you while he beat you when you were a kid, and I wasn't! So now, Im going to take the beatings. For you." I Reply. "But what about you?! Its not just about me in this relationship you know! I know, I used to get beat, But I experienced it, and I'm NOT letting it happen to you! I married you because I love you! And because we are suppose to be together forever and ever! And In the mean time, we have to work together! Fight together and BE Together!" He explains, tears slowly going down his face. "But-" "I know you want to protect me. But I also want to protect you!" He says, I sigh. I pull him closer to me, and I kiss his forehead. He lays his head on my chest, and I play with his hair, "Zaney?" I ask. I hear him giggle. "Yes Travis?" "...Can I see your..Eye again?" I ask, He lifts his head from my chest and looks at me, His face is painted with a light pink. He stays silent. I reach my hand over to his hair, and move it out of view so I can see his left eye. I sigh and smile. His right eye was icy-blue, his natural eye color, and the left eye was a dark Amber. It sparkled by itself, which made me Gasp. His hair falls back into place, and I move it again. "Its still beautiful, you know. Why do you hide it?" I ask. "Because its not beautiful, its ugly and weird." He says, Pushing my arms away and getting up, walking towards the kitchen. "Well its the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen." I compliment him, smiling. I see a warm and Happy smile shove onto his face, his light pink blush replaced with a light red blush. "Shut Up." He replies, A heartwarming smile on his face. My heart fluttered, He was so cute. "Babe, Can you go get me my phone upstairs? I think I left it in the closet when I was hiding there." Zane asks, smiling at me while he made lunch. I get up and walk upstairs. I go into the closet, and find my old book bag. The book bag I had when I met Zane. The book bag I had brought to school. The book bag that held my deepest darkest memories in a little book that was inside. The book bag I had when I fell in love with Zane. I gasp quietly, and I pick up the book bag. I open it up and pull out a small book I wrote my problems in when I was in high school. Some of my secrets and some of my memories were in there. I sigh. I put it back into the book bag and I pull out something I never expected. A flower crown. I gasp. It was the flower crown I made for Zane before we started dating. I run downstairs and I run up to him. He gasps. "What the?! Where did you find that?" He asks a big smile on his face. He grabs it and puts it on. I smile. I wrap my arms around his waist while his wrap around my neck. He smiles like a dork and Snuggles into my chest.

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