Special delivery

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I grunt and push myself out of my seat as the lunch bell rings. We had just finished a test and even though I breezed through it, it was kind of boring just waiting in a silent room for others to finish theirs. Ren and I were heading to our usual table to eat lunch with our friends when my father's voice echoed over the speaker calling us to his office. We looked at each other in surprise and confusion before shrugging and making our way down the halls and to my father's office. If you haven't realized by now my father is the principal, or as he likes to be called the, Chairman. For good students being called into his office, it's usually just to congratulate you on something not too special in my case, for the bad kids, well you get the picture. But for me, it was a whole other story; I'm his son (I'm dying! I put son and it auto corrected to sin, I'm so done!!) so that means I have to give and present high expectations in school and in public, so when I come into his office it's never good. Ren and I stood outside the door, like knights standing outside of the dragon's lair, only in this fairytale, there's no slaying the dragon. "Hey, Gakushuu maybe we should go back, I'm-uh.... A little too young to die, you know?" Ren babbled on, but before I could slap him we were dragged into the office. Ren let out a yelp but immediately shut his trap once we entered into the dark, cold room. My father was always compared to a centipede for some reason that I will never know, but I do know that I compare him to a snake. He's always in the dark and likes things to be ice cold; it's always somehow warm to him. But the thing that makes him a snake the most are his eyes; he'll put up a nice and friendly persona, luring you in with his purple eyes and friendly smile, closer into his nest. Once close enough he'll start to constrict around you and make you feel like you have to do everything in your power to please him and give him what he wants. But that's when it's too late, you finally realize what he's doing and start to struggle but by this time he's towering over you watching your eyes widen in fear until he *snap* (I honestly scared myself with that story... It didn't help that my dog snapped his bone in half at that exact moment) My father dropping his pen scaring the ever-loving shit out of Ren and I, but mostly me. My father let out a chuckle and reached down to pick up the pen before looking at us with those purple eyes, but his bore into my lighter ones. My violet eyes were no match against him but I at least had a bit more power than I did some years ago. "Boys, do you have any idea why I called you in today?" He asked, his velvety voice already starting to hypnotize Ren, but not me. "No sir" I replied slapping the back of Ren's head making him snap out of it and glare at me. I rolled my eyes and my father gave a deep chuckle at our antics. "Well, that's because I need you to make a special delivery, down town" he said picking up a box and sliding it across the table toward us. Ren looked as if he was about to pass out as I grabbed it and felt it's weight, it was heavy, but not to the point where I had to hold it with 2 hands. "What's in it?" I asked eyeing him down but he just shook his head with a smile "That's classified information" he replied. I huffed and looked at the box seeing there was no send info, Ren must have noticed it too because he was shaking his head signalling me not to ask. But I disregarded him and lifted the box up to my father's eye level "Where are we taking it to?" I ask as Ren's breathing hitches. My father shook his head again "As said before, you're taking it down town" he said trying to get me to stop asking questions, but I was persistent in getting answers. My father was a very.... Sly man; you could never trust his movements, one minute he could be at a party getting punch and the next he could be half way across the world shooting penguins. (I don't even know) "Well father, I'd like to get info on this box before you go get and my ass arrested for carrying a possible explosive" I glare into his eyes. It was a silent battle, purple against violet... And Ren was there too I guess. It could've gone on forever, but my father backed down for some reason, he wore a smile. "Ha, you're getting better at standing up to me Gakushuu, stubborn as hell, just like your mother" he said making my eyes widen. He never let me or anyone else mention my mother ever since her mysterious death when I was 2, not even he would speak of it. He stood up and walked around his desk, taking the box in hand "This box is not explosive, I can tell you that much; and it's nothing too deadly, but it would surely help the school if you would deliver it on time" he said tossing the box back and forth in his hands. Ren was as pale as a sheet of paper since he probably still thought that there was a bomb in that box and that my father was crazy enough to blow us all up, but now that I think about it. I quickly took the box from his hands and gently set it on his desk behind me before quickly stepping at least 3 feet away. "So?" My father asked looking between Ren and I, I looked at Ren seeing him furiously sweating while shaking his head no. I hate to see my best friend so nervous and scared like this, so I turned to my father about to say no. But that as when I saw his face, my old man held a smirk that could give Mafia boss' a run for their money. He wanted me to say no and deny this challenge, he wanted me to give in and reject this easy project that would prove whether I was an Asano or a sniveling coward. That I couldn't allow, I gave Ren a sad smile before turning back to my father and opening my hand as he gave me a card with an address and a number on it, that's all. I nodded my head before grabbing the box and getting a grip on Ren's arm and dragging him out of the door. But before I could set both feet into the hall my father called out to me "Gakushuu! I want you to call this little mission of yours, project: Special delivery; compliments to that little package you're holding" he said as I nodded, not daring to face him, before walking off.

So I was thinking of starting a new story not related to my other ones. And this is the beginning, what do you think? Yay or nay? Anyway, hope you enjoyed and have a great day! And yes, yes that was supposed to rhyme.

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