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Karma's p.o.v.
I woke up on a soft surface, not remembering much of what happened. "Hey, you're awake" a voice said softly, as it not to startle me, I turn towards it. I try to look at the person, but it was all blurry and it hurt because of the lights, so I had to turn away. The person I was with must have noticed because the room suddenly became darker with the closing of the blinds.

Once I was able to get my sight back, I turned back to my supposed savior to thank them, only to blush and turn away. It was the boy I met in the park, Gakushuu was it? Seeing my sudden shyness Gakushuu chuckled, which didn't help me as I hid under the sheets in hope to disappear.

I was hoping it worked since it was quiet for a while, but that silence was broken by my squeal as Gakushuu poked my side. I sat up and gave him a pouty glare as he fell out of his chair laughing at me. Once he calmer down I decided to ask him some questions. "H-hey, um... Gakushuu? Where am I?" I asked as he focuses back on me, his eyes lock with mine. He subconsciously scratches the back of his neck "Well, when I found you, you were hurt and on the street so I brought you back to my school so the nurse could patch you up" he says nervously.

"By the way, what were you doing so close to the school? Do you live around here? Why haven't I seen you around here before" He asks as I blush and look away, twiddling my thumbs. "I... I-i go to school here now" I mumble, which still somehow gets heard by Gakushuu. "Wait, really?" "Yeah, my mom registered me yesterday, so I guess I'm all set up... so much for my first day though" I say sarcastically as I lean back on the bed.

Gakushuu chuckled and I can't help but turn to face the other way, I didn't know why I did it but I couldn't help it. "Hey, there's no need to be shy around me, I won't bite, promise?" He says, lightly extending his hand. I only stared at it before turning back away from him, I heard him sigh and start to stand. I felt my breath hitch as I thought he would get mad and yell at me for not being manly enough. But what I didn't expect was a hug "Would just let any random stranger hug you? Calm down, please, I just want to help" I looked at him and slowly hugged him back, becoming a bit relaxed at his touch.

I was a bit sad when he pulled away, but I didn't let it show or he would get suspicious. "Hey, what time is it?" I asked scratching the back of my head, but pulling back with a hiss when I scratched a bruised. Gakushuu looked at me with concern before pulling out his phone "Uh, 5:30 why?" He asked. Shit, I left my mom alone to run the shop by herself, especially on a Wednesday, that is our busiest day.

"Shit!" I cursed aloud grabbing my book bag and jacket before trying running out the door. Keyword: trying, I was halfway through the doorframe when I felt a strong grip on my arm, pulling me back into the room. "Woah, where are you going? I don't think you should be going anywhere with that head injury" Gakushuu explained as I broke free from his grip. "Oh yeah? Try and stop me" was my response before I ran out of the room at top speed, hopefully I make it in time.

Sorry it's short, I'm a bit busy at the moment so the next few may be short, but are definitely going to be longer than this, I just wanted to give you guys something.

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