Damn it Ren!!!/He's so cute

756 29 18

I couldn't decide on a title for this one. The first is funny and the second goes along with the song so..  you have to deal with both of them now! Enjoy!!!
Karma's p.o.v.
I stared at Gakushuu with a blush on my face. Not only did this boy run face first into my ass, but he still wanted to be friends with me.. no, he still wanted to be around me even after that poor display I put on yesterday. (XD let's play the rhyming game!!)
"You, you still want to speak to me... E-even after yesterday?" I asked shyly, his taller friend was still here looking back and forth between us.

Gakushuu put on a smile and nodded before standing up straight and holding his hand out to me "Yeah, I was even hoping... That we could be friends?" He said as his smile became timid. Yeah, friends, just friends; or maybe... We could just start out that way? "Yeah, yeah I would like that very much" I said offering a smile of my own with closed eyes.

When I opened them again I saw both Gakushuu's and his friend's noses were bleeding "Oh my gosh, are you two okay?" I ask pulling out some tissue from my satchel and handing it to them. They both took it and held it to their noses "Sorry about that, I guess my nose was little too dry today" Gakushuu said as nodded "And I'm prone to chronic nosebleeds" he explained as Gakushuu glared at him, but let's pretend I didn't see that. "I think we should head to class now" he grumbled as I started to walk up a dirt path that leads to the mountain "Wait, Karma! The main building is that way!" I heard Gakushuu yell as I stopped and looked back.

He was pointing to the main building, I sighed knowing that I'm gonna make this worse than it already is. "I-I know, I'm in E-class" I explained as both of them looked confused "How? You just got here and they don't immediately put new kids in E-class, passing the entrance exams is at least enough to decide where you're put and even if you got a bad grade on them you wouldn't be here" Gakushuu's friend asked.

I bit my lip and brushed my hair out of my face "Yeah, well, as you can tell it's the middle of the year so I can't take the entrance exams and even if I could I didn't, my mom paid for me to get in here with our spare money; and even that wasn't enough so I just got put in E-class to make up for it, but, it's better than nothing isn't it?" I explained no longer looking at them.

It was silent so I thought they walked away and left me here, that was until I felt an arm being slung over my shoulder "Well at least we get to see each other more often now!" Ren cheered as Gakushuu nodded.
(A/n: Deal with it, it helps push the plot, I will further add anyone else I see fit if it can progress the story)
"Wait, you guys are in E-class as well?" I ask as they both nodded "Yup, Ren Sakakibara at your service​, I'm there because Gakushuu's my best friend and if he's in a class I'm gonna be there too, even if I have to dumb it down a bit" Ren explained as I nodded.

"You're a good friend," I laughed before turning to Gakushuu "but why are you there?" I asked as he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I missed one class, which normally would have been fine since I was sick, but my father thought it would be a good example to the rest of the school that even the principal's son can be pushed to E-class" Gakushuu explained as my heart stopped.

"W-wait, Y-you... Are the principal's son!?" I asked taking a step back, I can't get on his bad side, what if he tells his dad I did something and I get expelled!? All of that money, our debt payment, our escape, my mom's health, all down the drain.

I must have been extremely pale or hyperventilating or something because Gakushuu and the Ren  looked so scared when my vision came back into focus on them. "Oh my God don't scare me like that!" Gakushuu nearly yelled as he pulled me into a tight hug, when he pulled away I was a cherry shade of red.

"Oh, um, sorry about that, you just weren't responding when we tried to talk to you and it really freaked Ren and I out; if I'd known you'd act that way from me telling you I wouldn't have said it at all" he said as he let me go, I nodded. "It's fine, and it probably wouldn't even matter if you had told me by your choice or not, I would have eventually found out anyway, and I think I'd rather hear the truth from it's source anyway" I said still not looking him in the eye and hoping the conversation would just end already.

Unfortunately Gakushuu saw my excessive shyness compared to my normal amount and saw right through my charade as he walked up to slowly walked up to me; Ren watched. As Gakushuu got closer with every step I backed up with my head still facing the ground, that was, however, until I tripped over a small stone sticking out of the ground. I felt my breath hitch as I was falling back, waiting for my head to smack against the cold hard ground, but it never came; Gakushuu had caught me and was pulling me back up to stand on my feet.

When he did I still didn't look him in the eye, yet he made me by catching my chin in between his thumb and index and tilting my head to face his. "You're afraid of me, why?" He asked as I once again bit my lip and kept silent, but he put pieces together "You're afraid if you get me mad that I'll report you to my father? You'll think I'll get you into trouble and kicked out, don't you?" He asked. The hurt in his voice was too much for me to handle and I broke, I buried my face into his chest and cried a bit "Yes, yes, I'm sorry! I swear I didn't mean to think that way but-!" He cut me off by putting his thumb to my lips, shushing me.

He once again captured my chin between his finger and thumb making me face him again before using his thumb to brush away my tears. "hey, hey, Shh, Shh, don't cry, I'm not mad, a little hurt that you thought that way, but not mad" I kept my eyes adverted. "Hey, look at me," he said, I did "there are 2 reasons I would never do that to you; one, I'm nothing like my cruel father, I actually care for the students as individuals and not the grades and IQ he judges them on. And two, well, I don't have that kind of power, he's the one that decides those things, my word means shit to him" he said making me giggle and smile.

That smile soon faded though as I focused on his lips, just as he was doing to me; we were slowing leaning in, not paying attention to what we were doing, but not really caring. "Would you two kiss already!!" Ren yelled scaring me and Gakushuu out of it, I blushed as deeply as humanly possible as I buried my face into my hands. "Damn it Ren!" I heard Gakushuu yell before he started chasing after Ren who was screaming while laughing.
Gakushuu's p.o.v.
As I was chasing Ren I couldn't help but notice that Karma had uncovered his face and was watching Ren and I with a gentle smile, I gave a smile of my own.

However, while I was too busy focused on this I tripped over the same stone karma did earlier and ended up tackling Ren to the ground, Karma gasped and immediately ran to our aid. Ren and I just laughed it off and told him we were okay, but that's when my watch started going off, I sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Well it looks like we're late" I sighed standing up and helping Ren do the same "We better start heading up there now or Korosensei will start grossly sobbing as he comes to get us" Ren said as Karma gave the cutest confused I've even seen.

Ren smirk "We'll explain when we get there" Ren explained as Karma gave a excited bod with a energetic smile, this boy, he's so cute.

DAMN IT​ REN!! Well all of the boys are in the same class and Karma is going to E-class. Now, just like the anime, only Nagisa will know Karma, but that's only after Karma introduces himself since they knew each other in 2nd grade before Karma was pulled out of school. Well that's all for this time, I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to comment your thoughts and opinions down below!! I'll see you all in the next chapter b-byeeee!!

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