Cherry blossom

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Gakushuu's p.o.v.
I bit my lip and felt my hand become extremely sweaty as I made my way over. I was really nervous but was also silently cursing out Ren to the highest extent. There my ginger angel was silently closing up shop yet still looking like the happiest man in the world. Ren was still giving me a thumbs up from behind me but I knew if I didn't make a move soon he would start screaming my name. That's the thing about Ren, he's so calm and romantic around girls or people he's trying to impress, but he's so loud and childish around friends and family. It was like it was happening in slow motion; Ren was cupping his hands around his mouth and that already limited my time even more. Knowing my situation would embarrass me more than it already has, I quickly speed walked my way over. Although, before I could make it the boy was already pushing the cart out of the park. I knew Ren would not let me live it down if I didn't do this one simple task, so I had to be smart. "Hey!!" I called out to him a little louder than I should have, but he did stop and look around. The only problem now was that I was running too fast and couldn't stop so.... I sort of tackled him. I didn't mean to, I just tripped when he was in front of me, that lead to us falling to the ground. The boy below yelped and shoved me off of him while he hid and shielded himself behind a vase of lilacs. "P-please don't hurt me, I-I promise to have your money by next week! This Friday even!!" He screamed furiously shaking. I gasped and slowly moved closer to him, trying not to scare him more than I already did. "H-hey, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, promise" I said softly as I extended my hand out for him to take. He slowly removed the vase from in front of his face and opened eyes, having them narrow at my hand. It took a minute or 2 but he finally expected my hand and I helped pull him up. He looked away with a blush "Hey... Um... I'm, uh, I'm sorry for tackling you to the uh... Ground" I said nervously. I can't believe I did that, I haven't even said one word to the guy and yet I had managed to pin him down. He just gave me a giggle as he rapidly shook his head like a dog, ridding his hair of most of the dirt. "I-its fine... I'm, uh.... I'm sorry for that little scene back there" he apologized but I shook my head. He had no reason to apologize, no reason at all; it was silent for a while. We just stood there for a while just looking at the ground and kicking at the dirt around us. Suddenly, he was the one who broke the tension "Are... Um, are you a customer?" He asked motioning to his cart. I looked at it, it looked like what you would find at a convenience store. Full of little candies and plush toys, drinks and snacks, cards and... Flowers. The cart was extravagant, I can say that, but what really brought out it's beauty was all the flowers surrounding it, that and the lovely rose standing next to it. There were so many types of so many flowers, so many colors, so many arranges, so many sizes. There were orchids, lilies, lotuses, daisies, roses, carnations, sun flowers, and so many more and they were all equally beautiful. Taking in the thought if how to make this moment less awkward I decided to lie and say I was a customer. I nodded my head and Karma's eyes lit up like there was a new law saying that it was Christmas everyday. "Really? You're not joking right? Most people don't really like buying flowers so close to winter time" he says skeptically while playing with a vine of forget-me-nots. "Well I'm not most people, am I?" I said with a sly smile as blushed and giggled; I got him to giggle and blush twice, what does this mean? He slowly walked around the cart looking at all the different variations of flowers. "So would you like some chocolate or maybe a bear?" He asked going back into his shy character. I only shook my head no and walked closer to him causing him to tense; I didn't like that, I wanted him to feel comfortable around me. "Hey, calm down it's okay, I don't bite" I said giving him a smile, this only made him tense more. "Okay, okay, bad joke, but why don't we talk while you get me a bouquet of.... Irises" I said and he relaxed a bit. "W-well, um, what can we talk about?" He asked as he pulled out a lovely selection of irises, I raised my eyebrows in surprise. He must have noticed because he focused his attention more on the flowers than anything else "I'm sorry if this is bothering you,I don't go out much" he explained a bit embarrassed. "Don't be embarrassed, I find it cute... And interesting that you have no idea what to say, it's different" I say giving him the money for the bouquet as he hands me the beautifully decorated vase. Once again it was silent, but this time it was a peaceful one; petals started to fall around us. He gasped as blossoms and their petals fell around us "Cherry blossoms? I didn't know they still fell this late? Especially in the cold seasons" He said in awe. I chuckled at his excitement and caught, not a petal, but an entire un-bloomed blossom. I smiled at it and looked at Karma, putting 2 and 2 together; I gently laid the blossom in his hair. He flinched at the sudden touch but then saw what I did and giggled, only to gasp as the cherry blossom bloomed in his hair. It was that perfect moment "Gakushuu" I said extending my hand, he looked at it but shook his head and pulled me into a hug "Karma" he mumbled into my ear. I hugged him tighter and didn't want to let go, he smelled like strawberries and his skin and touch were so soft under my touch. I wouldn't want to trade this moment for anything in the whole entire world. "Gakushuu!!" Ren yelled grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the hug and away from Karma. He had both sacks of flour in his little wagon and was running at top speed as he dragged me away from Karma. Karma, I will never ever forget that name, just the feel of it flowing through my mind is the best feeling. "Ren!? What the hell!?" "We're so late!! Your father is going to kill us and chop us up into little pieces before using the pieces as paper weights!!" He yelled in a complete frenzy. I sighed, that's another side of Ren for you, chill one minute and in a total panic the other. I looked back to where Karma and I were just hugging, he still stood there. He was smiling at the blossom that he now had in his hand, but then he looked up and in our direction. It took him a minute but then he spotted us and waved at me giving me the most angelic smile I have ever seen. I couldn't help but wave back "We are so gonna die!!" Ren screamed in my ear. Shit.

Well that's the 3 chapter and Gakushuu met Karma!! Isn't he so cute!! Well just you wait, he's about to get even cuter!! Until next time!! Byyeee!!!!!

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