Reminiscing before breakfast

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Karma's p.o.v.
I woke up to the couch being occupied by only me and became very suspicious of what mom was doing. Usually she asked me up to help open the shop and clean up, it would take especially long this time due to Clayton's visit. I got up and grabbed my apron putting it on before walking out and into the shop. I had no need to change clothes since we could only go to the wash on Fridays, so 2 more days in this shirt wouldn't kill me. I walked around the entire shop looking for my mom but couldn't find her, in the end she found me. "Karma! I was looking for you!" She shouted to me as she ran over with a large box and happy gleam in her eyes. She had it closed so I assumed that it was a surprise, which it was since she shoved it into my hands and quickly motioned for me to open it. I opened it feeling encouraged by her anticipation, only to gasp at the sight in the box. I took the time to go to the local cafe last night while mom was sleeping and looked up the school I was going to.

It was a academy/ high school called Kunugigaoka and it is one of the top and most elite schools in all of Tokyo. I nearly fainted from the thought of all the people who would tear into me as soon as I stepped on to the school grounds. I shook my head to clear the thoughts and looked at the box's contents. It contained the regular school stuff that was needed, but what I was eyeing, was the uniform. It looked nothing like the ones we were supposed to wear but I didn't care, my mom got a totally different attire because she knew I didn't like to dress up. "Now, now! Don't spend your time ogling them, go put them on, the school is just a few blocks away and you can walk from there. So that also give you time to eat breakfast and help me clean up a bit before you need to leave" she said pushing me into the back. I only laughed at her antics and nodded before walking on my own.
(Time skip: 10 minutes)
Well, the shop is clean and all set up and breakfast smelled amazing as always even though mom sort if went all out today. Bacon, eggs, sausage, grits, pancakes, waffles, fruit smoothies, berry mixes, orange juice, and my favorite, milk with a mix of strawberry. Mom says buying actual strawberry milk is too expensive so we just get milk, blend strawberries, then mix, believe me it's better than you think.

I kindly excused myself from my hungry anticipation at the table before heading into the back and looking into a mirror. I have pale skin, short red hair, and pale sharp eyes that appear gold in color. I have been told many times that I have a feminine build but I just think that I'm a bit smaller and skinnier than most boys my age. I currently wore a regular white button up shirt, a black blazer, black dress pants, and the usual school shoes. I couldn't help but stare at my reflection in the mirror, the one looking back was not the same, but who could tell who's who? I've changed so much from when we used to live with my father, at least that's what mom said. She said I used to be bolder, happier, and always had the brightest smile, but then dad changed. He grew mean and cold, abusive even, but that changed me too, now I'm sickly pale, too shy to even speak to my own mother sometimes, and I always feel the need to look over my shoulder.

I guess that's just how things happen in the real world though, I look at myself one more time before something catches my eye. It's a cherry blossom, the same one I brought in yesterday. 'What? I thought I dropped this when I was running yesterday?' I thought to myself as I slowly walked over. It was sitting on the table with no dirt, no water, no anything, yet it didn't even have a wrinkle in it's petal. I gently picked it up, afraid that the slightest flinch would cause it to tear or combust. It was sprinkled in little dew drops, reminding of the rain storm a few days before. But the thing I remember most about this flower, is the interaction with that violet eyed boy yesterday. He was so sweet, kind, and gentle, I have to admit maybe even a little handsome, but that's all I am going to say since I'm a rose red already. I knew he wasn't really a customer, he was just someone trying to leave an awkward situation with an easy way out that I had opened for him. He probably doesn't even like boys while I'm as gay as 2 unicorns jumping on a rainbow. I don't have a problem with it though, just seeing him again will be enough for me. Maybe if I do see him again I will get confirmation on my feeling and will know if this is just a fling or not. I looked back down at the blossom before feeling my face break into a smile, I really hope this isn't fake. I don't want to be a burden anymore, I just want someone to hold and protect me while I snuggle up to them, to wipe my tears when I cry, to be able to defend me when hurtful words are thrown my way, someone to kiss me not for lust or to prove a point, someone to say "I love you". I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice I was crying a little, I quickly wiped my tears. I looked at the blossom one more time before taking it and putting it into my pocket. It wasn't the safest place, but I didn't want to leave it here for some reason, I wanted to have it close to me. A knock on the door suddenly startled me from my thoughts once again, it was mom. "Karma honey, time for breakfast"

Karma just wants to be loved and not get hurt, I almost cried though this, well I hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you next time!! B-byeee!!

Gakushuu: *whispering lullabies into Karma's while holding him close and rocking*

Karma: *sleep*

Devildog: *snaps a million pictures before teleporting him and the kids to the park so they don't disturb their parents*

Me: *quietly squeals* Devildog's going soft!! *smirks* We can't allow that. *Pulls out wasabi*

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